Minnesota Bills

sponsored by Tony Albright

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HF 90 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Shotgun zone for taking deer eliminated.
Jan 14 2021 Author Added Raleigh
Feb 03 2022
HF 2728 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Unemployment trust fund replenished, tax rates frozen, COVID-19 claims excluded, and money appropriated.
Jan 31 2022 Authors Added Demuth, Franke, Swedzinski, Burkel, Poston, Bennett, Dettmer, Lueck
Feb 01 2022
HF 1056 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Right of the people to keep and bear arms protected, and constitutional amendment proposed.
Feb 11 2021 Author Added Lueck
Feb 01 2022
HF 380 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Career and technical education teacher training pilot project created, and money appropriated.
Jan 28 2021 Motion To Recall And Re-Refer, Motion Prevailed Industrial Education And Economic Development Finance And Policy
Jan 31 2022
HF 2913 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Minneapolis; Northrup King Building funding provided, and money appropriated.
Jan 31 2022 Introduction And First Reading, Referred To Capital Investment
Jan 31 2022
HF 37 (2021, First Special Session)
Liquor taxation provisions modified; microdistillery off-sale limit modified; self-distribution authorized; malt liquor packaging and off-sale requirements modified; brand registration requirements modified; limited bar and restaurant off-sale modified; clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made.
Jun 15 2021 Author Added Munson
Jun 19 2021
HF 17 (2021, First Special Session)
Career and technical education teacher training pilot project created, and money appropriated.
Jun 14 2021 Authors Added Sandstede And Bierman
Jun 18 2021
HF 36 (2021, First Special Session)
Legislative approval required to extend peacetime emergency duration declared by the governor, and peacetime emergency duration extension limited.
Jun 15 2021 Author Added Daniels
Jun 17 2021
HF 469 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Seizure training and seizure action plan required in schools.
Jan 28 2021 Author Added Long
May 03 2021
HF 2253 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Workers' Compensation Advisory Council recommendations adopted.
Mar 17 2021 Secretary Of State Chapter 12 04/26/2021
Apr 26 2021
HF 2502 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Criminal sexual conduct provisions modified and clarified, and new sexual extortion crime created.
Apr 09 2021 Authors Added Boldon, Backer, Lee, Freiberg, Pierson, Edelson, Elkins, Jurgens, Neu Brindley, Albright, Kiel, Howard, Lippert, Davnie, Agbaje, Franke, Quam, Frazier, And Anderson
Apr 12 2021
HF 2483 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Advance deposit wagering related provisions modified.
Apr 09 2021 Introduction And First Reading, Referred To Commerce Finance And Policy
Apr 09 2021
HF 2482 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Department of Transportation required to administer replacement service provider program, and allocation of motor vehicle sales tax revenue amended.
Apr 09 2021 Introduction And First Reading, Referred To Transportation Finance And Policy
Apr 09 2021
HF 320 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Firearm safety, archery, hunting, and angling inclusion in school physical education course grant program established; report required; and money appropriated.
Jan 25 2021 Author Added Dettmer
Apr 09 2021
HF 61 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Office of the Ombudsperson for Child Care Providers created, appointments provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
Jan 11 2021 Author Stricken Frazier
Apr 06 2021
HF 601 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Housing support modified.
Feb 01 2021 Author Added Feist
Apr 06 2021
HF 1512 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Human Services; licensed individuals exempted from background studies under chapter 245C.
Feb 25 2021 Authors Added Hamilton, Rasmusson, Freiberg, And Bahner
Apr 06 2021
HF 521 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Medical assistance postpartum coverage extended.
Jan 28 2021 Authors Added Hassan, Keeler, And Bahner
Apr 06 2021
HF 2172 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
School bus stop-signal arm violations established and portion of fines collected distributed to school districts.
Mar 11 2021 Authors Added Albright And Lippert
Apr 06 2021
HF 444 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
State-declared disaster definition restricted to exclude civil unrest.
Jan 28 2021 Author Added Boe
Mar 25 2021

Showing 61 to 80 of 662 bills