Minnesota Bills

sponsored by Bob Loonan

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HF 2132 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Super Bowl temporary surtax imposed, human trafficking prevention funding provided, and money appropriated.
Mar 06 2017 Author Added Bernardy.
Feb 20 2018
HF 2381 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Immunity for underage possession or consumption of alcohol extended to persons assisting another who remains on the scene.
Mar 13 2017 Author Added Bernardy.
Feb 20 2018
HF 287 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Fair repair requirements for manufacturers of digital electronic products established.
Jan 17 2017 Author Added Franson.
Feb 20 2018
HF 1251 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Amended death order required when ordered by the court.
Feb 15 2017 Authors Added Baker And O'Neill.
Feb 20 2018
HF 1443 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Insurance fraud regulated, penalties and notices modified, term defined, and Commerce Fraud Bureau authority to apply for or execute search warrants clarified.
Feb 20 2017 Governor's Action Approval 05/30/17
May 30 2017
HF 985 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Duty owed by owners of real property to trespassers specified.
Feb 09 2017 Governor's Action Veto 05/23/17
May 23 2017
HF 179 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Ignition interlock performance standards amended, use of devices with location tracking capabilities prohibited, inmate case planning information ensured as private data, search warrant in DWI cases required to obtain blood or urine samples, license revocation provided, guidelines for license revocation hearings established, and rulemaking authority amended.
Jan 12 2017 Governor's Action Approval 05/23/17
May 23 2017
HF 2721 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Rental vehicle coverage regulated.
May 22 2017 Introduction And First Reading, Referred To Commerce And Regulatory Reform
May 22 2017
HF 601 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Human services commissioner provided additional authority to sanction and terminate state health care program providers, financial reporting requirements for abortion services established, and payment procedures for abortion services modified.
Jan 30 2017 Motion To Return Bill To Author, Motion Prevailed
May 21 2017
HF 1434 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Trunk highway project selection governed, project selection processes amended and mandated, highway project information availability required, and legislative reporting amended.
Feb 20 2017 Author Stricken Bernardy.
May 21 2017
HF 238 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Use of force in defense of home and person law clarified, self-defense and defense of home laws codified and extended, duty to retreat in self-defense outside of home eliminated, boundaries of dwelling for purposes of self-defense expanded, presumption in the case of a person entering a dwelling or occupied vehicle by stealth or force created, and right to defend against entry extended.
Jan 12 2017 Author Added Poston.
May 20 2017
SF 879 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Minnesota Joint Underwriting Association liquor liability and medical malpractice coverage authorization
Feb 13 2017 Governor's Action Approval 05/11/17
May 15 2017
HF 4 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Omnibus tax bill.
Jan 05 2017 Governor's Action Veto 05/15/17
May 15 2017
HF 1732 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Commerce commissioner examinations modified.
Feb 27 2017 Governor's Action Approval 05/11/17
May 11 2017
HF 812 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Abortion performing facility licensure required, licensing fee required, and money appropriated.
Feb 06 2017 Governor's Action Veto 05/10/17
May 10 2017
HF 1046 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Minnesota Joint Underwriting Association regulated, and association authorized to provide liquor liability and medical malpractice coverage.
Feb 09 2017 Hf Indefinitely Postponed
May 04 2017
HF 2628 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Local option transportation sales tax modified, authority to impose a sales tax limited, fund use limited and allocated, and referendum required.
May 01 2017 Author Added Whelan.
May 04 2017
HF 1294 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Sales representative termination regulated.
Feb 16 2017 Governor's Action Approval 05/02/17
May 02 2017
HF 1477 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Credit union meetings regulated.
Feb 20 2017 Governor's Action Approval 05/02/17
May 02 2017
HF 212 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Commissions payment by issuers of individual health plans regulated.
Jan 12 2017 Governor's Action Approval 05/02/17
May 02 2017

Showing 61 to 80 of 168 bills