Minnesota Bills

sponsored by Jeff Backer

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HF 329 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Fireworks manufacture, sale, and use regulated.
Jan 19 2017 Second Reading
Mar 01 2018
HF 3251 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Planning estimates for the home and community-based services innovation pool modified.
Mar 01 2018 Introduction And First Reading, Referred To Health And Human Services Finance
Mar 01 2018
HF 3271 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Qualified farm property subtraction recapture tax application modified.
Mar 01 2018 Introduction And First Reading, Referred To Taxes
Mar 01 2018
HF 2998 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Choose Life special license plates established, and money appropriated.
Feb 22 2018 Authors Added Miller And Scott.
Mar 01 2018
HF 399 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Senate and house of representatives funding provided, transfers required, and money appropriated.
Jan 23 2017 Secretary Of State, Filed 02/27/18
Feb 27 2018
HF 1437 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Paul Bunyan Expressway study required, and money appropriated.
Feb 20 2017 Motion To Return Bill To Author, Motion Prevailed
Feb 26 2018
HF 256 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Lead shot limiting rules prohibited.
Jan 17 2017 Author Stricken Ecklund.
Feb 22 2018
HF 600 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Uniform State Labor Standards Act enacted, and uniformity for employment mandates on private employers provided.
Jan 30 2017 Senate Conferees Miller, Rosen, Sparks
Feb 22 2018
HF 2876 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Drainage system repair procedures modified.
Feb 20 2018 Introduction And First Reading, Referred To Environment And Natural Resources Policy And Finance
Feb 20 2018
HF 2760 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Medical assistance rate increase for ambulance services scope expanded.
Feb 20 2018 Introduction And First Reading, Referred To Health And Human Services Finance
Feb 20 2018
HF 2818 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Buffalo-Red River Watershed District flood hazard mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Feb 20 2018 Introduction And First Reading, Referred To Environment And Natural Resources Policy And Finance
Feb 20 2018
HF 2817 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Browns Valley; Toelle Coulee flood hazard mitigation project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Feb 20 2018 Introduction And First Reading, Referred To Environment And Natural Resources Policy And Finance
Feb 20 2018
HF 2816 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Redpath impoundment flood hazard mitigation grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Feb 20 2018 Introduction And First Reading, Referred To Environment And Natural Resources Policy And Finance
Feb 20 2018
HF 1603 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) cash assistance payment increased, and money appropriated.
Feb 23 2017 Author Added Bernardy.
Feb 20 2018
HF 1725 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Milk transport vehicle weight limitations amended.
Feb 27 2017 Governor's Action Approval 05/23/17
May 23 2017
HF 627 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Referendum equalization revenue, aid, and levy calculation modified.
Jan 30 2017 Author Added Bernardy
May 21 2017
HF 238 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Use of force in defense of home and person law clarified, self-defense and defense of home laws codified and extended, duty to retreat in self-defense outside of home eliminated, boundaries of dwelling for purposes of self-defense expanded, presumption in the case of a person entering a dwelling or occupied vehicle by stealth or force created, and right to defend against entry extended.
Jan 12 2017 Author Added Poston.
May 20 2017
SF 216 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Medical assistance (MA) claims against estates provisions modifications
Jan 19 2017 Governor's Action Approval 05/12/17
May 15 2017
HF 812 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Abortion performing facility licensure required, licensing fee required, and money appropriated.
Feb 06 2017 Governor's Action Veto 05/10/17
May 10 2017
HF 629 (2017-2018 Regular Session)
Claims against estates provisions under medical assistance modified.
Jan 30 2017 Hf Indefinitely Postponed
May 08 2017

Showing 421 to 440 of 544 bills