Minnesota Bills

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HF 3488 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Minors appearing in Internet content creation provided compensation.
Feb 12 2024 Effective Date 07/01/2025
Jul 01 2025
HF 1989 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Ticket sale disclosure required, ticket sale conduct prohibited, data disclosure to the commissioner of commerce required, and enforcement allowed by the commissioner of commerce.
Feb 20 2023 Effective Date 01/01/2025
Jan 01 2025
SF 4579 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Single-metered utility service in residential buildings regulations and provisions modifications
Mar 04 2024 Effective Date 01/01/2025
Jan 01 2025
HF 3437 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Plymouth; Michael Gau Memorial Bridge over U.S. Highway 169 on Hennepin County State-Aid Highway 9 designated.
Feb 12 2024 Effective Date 08/01/2024
Aug 01 2024
HF 4109 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Human rights law provided, and civil penalties and other remedies provided.
Feb 22 2024 Effective Date 08/01/2024
Aug 01 2024
HF 3646 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Department of Children, Youth, and Families statutory infrastructure created; and statutes moved and copied.
Feb 13 2024 Effective Date 08/01/2024
Aug 01 2024
HF 3868 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Uniform Commercial Code amendments adopted to accommodate emerging technologies.
Feb 15 2024 Effective Date 08/01/2024
Aug 01 2024
HF 3204 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Parenting time and spousal maintenance provisions modified, antenuptial and postnuptial agreements governing provisions modified and updated, assisted reproduction rights and responsibilities established, and revisor of statutes directed to update terms used in statute.
Apr 04 2023 Effective Date 08/01/2024
Aug 01 2024
HF 3800 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Housing cooperatives; organization and operation provided for seniors, low and moderate income people, and limited equity cooperatives and leasing cooperatives for designated members.
Feb 15 2024 Effective Date 08/01/2024
Aug 01 2024
HF 3071 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Written driver's examinations and the driver's manual plain language standard incorporation required, report required, and money appropriated.
Mar 22 2023 Effective Date 07/01/2024
Jul 01 2024
HF 4518 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Education finance forecast adjustments made, and money appropriated.
Mar 04 2024 Effective Date 07/01/2024
Jul 01 2024
SF 2219 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Historical horse racing prohibition
Mar 01 2023 Effective Date 05/25/2024
May 25 2024
HF 4757 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Cannabis; Office of Cannabis Management and the Department of Health appropriations modified, cannabis provisions modified, Department of Commerce assessed fees modified, consumer protection provisions added and modified, Minnesota Consumer Data Privacy Act established, rulemaking authorized, data classified, technical changes made, reports required, and money appropriated.
Mar 07 2024 Secretary Of State Chapter 121 05/24/24
May 24 2024
HF 4738 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Office of Emergency Medical Services established to replace Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board, duties specified and transferred, advisory council established, alternative EMS response model pilot program established, conforming changes made, provisions modified relating to ambulance service personnel and emergency medical responders, emergency ambulance service aid provided, report required, and money appropriated.
Mar 07 2024 Secretary Of State Chapter 122 05/24/24
May 24 2024
HF 5216 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Judiciary, public safety, and corrections supplemental budget bill.
Apr 02 2024 Secretary Of State Chapter 123 05/24/24
May 24 2024
HF 4024 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Higher education policy and finance bill.
Feb 19 2024 Secretary Of State Chapter 124 05/24/24
May 24 2024
SF 5335 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Omnibus Human Services supplemental appropriations
Apr 04 2024 Secretary Of State Chapter 125 05/24/24
May 24 2024
SF 3492 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Residential housing tenant and landlord provisions modifications
Feb 12 2024 Secretary Of State Chapter 118 05/24/24
May 24 2024
SF 5289 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Omnibus Jobs, Economic Development, supplemental appropriations
Apr 04 2024 Secretary Of State Chapter 120 05/24/24
May 24 2024
SF 4942 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Omnibus Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate supplemental appropriations
Mar 13 2024 Secretary Of State Chapter 126 05/24/24
May 24 2024

Showing 1 to 20 of 47153 bills