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Michigan Bills
sponsored by Andrew Beeler
Bill Title
Latest Action↓
HR 33
(2021-2022 Regular Session)
A resolution to support the Senate's disapproval of gubernatorial appointments and encourage the Senate to continue to reject appointments by the Governor to state boards, commissions, and agencies so long as the executive branch continues to operate unilaterally without the participation of the Legislature.
Feb 11 2021
Referred To Committee On Oversight
Feb 11 2021
Showing 261 to 261 of 261 bills
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All Available Sessions
2025-2026 Regular Session
2023-2024 Regular Session
2021-2022 Regular Session
2019-2020 Regular Session
2017-2018 Regular Session
Chamber of Origin
Either Chamber
Concurrent Resolution
Joint Resolution
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Any sponsor
Aaron Miller
Abdullah Hammoud
Abraham Aiyash
Adam Hollier
Adam Zemke
Al Pscholka
Alabas Farhat
Alberta Talabi
Alex Garza
Alicia St. Germaine
Amanda Price
Amos O'Neal
Andrea LaFontaine
Andrea Schroeder
Andrew Beeler
Andrew Fink
Andrew Kandrevas
Andy Schor
Angela Rigas
Angela Witwer
Ann Bollin
Annette Glenn
Anthony Forlini
Aric Nesbitt
Arlan B Meekhof
Barb Byrum
Beau LaFave
Ben Frederick
Ben Glardon
Bert Johnson
Beth Griffin
Betsy Coffia
Bettie Scott
Betty Jean Alexander
Bill LaVoy
Bill Schuette
Bob Bezotte
Bob Constan
Brad Paquette
Brad Slagh
Bradford Jacobsen
Brandon Dillon
Brandt Iden
Brenda Carter
Brett Roberts
Brian Banks
Brian BeGole
Brian Elder
Bronna Kahle
Bruce Caswell
Bruce Rendon
Bryan Posthumus
Cam Cavitt
Cara Clemente
Carol Glanville
Carrie Rheingans
Charles Brunner
Charles Moss
Charles Smiley
Chris Afendoulis
Christine Greig
Christine Morse
Cindy Gamrat
Coleman Young II
Collene Lamonte
Curt VanderWall
Curtis Hertel Jr.
Cynthia Denby
Cynthia Johnson
Cynthia Neeley
Daire Rendon
Dale Zorn
Dan Lauwers
Daniela Garcia
Darrin Camilleri
Darwin L Booher
Dave Hildenbrand
Dave Pagel
Dave Prestin
David Agema
David B Robertson
David Knezek
David Knezek
David LaGrand
David Martin
David Maturen
David Nathan
David Rutledge
Dayna Polehanki
Deb Shaughnessy
Denise Mentzer
Derek Miller
Dian Slavens
Diana Farrington
Donavan McKinney
Donna Lasinski
Donni Steele
Doug Wozniak
Douglas Geiss
Dylan Wegela
Earl Poleski
Ed McBroom
Edward Canfield
Eileen Kowall
Ellen Lipton
Emily Dievendorf
Eric Leutheuser
Erika Geiss
Erin Byrnes
Felicia Brabec
Frank Foster
Frank Liberati
Fred Durhal
Gail Haines
Gary Eisen
Gary Glenn
Gary Howell
George Darany
Gina Johnsen
Glenn Anderson
Goeff Hansen
Graham Filler
Greg Alexander
Greg MacMaster
Greg Markkanen
Greg VanWoerkom
Gretchen Driskell
Gretchen Whitmer
Gretchen Whitmer
Hank Vaupel
Harold Haugh
Harvey Santana
Helena Scott
Henry Vaupel
Henry Yanez
Holly Hughes
Hoon-Yung Hopgood
Howard Walker
Hugh Crawford
Ian Conyers
Isaac Robinson
J.R. Roth
Jack Brandenburg
Jack O'Malley
Jaime Churches
Jaime Greene
James Lower
James Womack
Jamie Thompson
Jase Bolger
Jason Hoskins
Jason Morgan
Jason Sheppard
Jason Wentworth
Jason Woolford
Jay DeBoyer
Jaz Martus
Jeff Farrington
Jeff Irwin
Jeff Noble
Jeff Yaroch
Jeffrey Pepper
Jenn Hill
Jennifer Conlin
Jennifer Wortz
Jeremy Moss
Jerry Neyer
Jewell Jones
Jim Ananich
Jim DeSana
Jim Ellison
Jim Haadsma
Jim Lilly
Jim Marleau
Jim Runestad
Jim Runestad
Jim Stamas
Jim Tedder
Jim Townsend
Jimmie Wilson
Joan Bauer
Jocelyn Benson
Joe Aragona
Joe Bellino
Joe Hune
Joe Pavlov
Joe Tate
Joel Johnson
Joey Andrews
John Bizon
John Bizon
John Cherry
John Chirkun
John Damoose
John Fitzgerald
John Gleason
John Kivela
John Moolenaar
John Olumba
John Pappageorge
John Proos
John Reilly
John Walsh
Jon Bumstead
Jon Hoadley
Jon Switalski
Jonathan Lindsey
Joseph Fox
Joseph Graves
Joseph Haveman
Josh Schriver
Judson Gilbert II
Judy K Emmons
Julie Alexander
Julie Brixie
Julie Calley
Julie Plawecki
Julie Rogers
Kara Hope
Karen Whitsett
Karl Bohnak
Kate Segal
Kathy Crawford
Kathy Schmaltz
Kelly Breen
Ken Borton
Ken Goike
Ken Horn
Ken Yonker
Kenneth Horn
Kenneth Kurtz
Kevin Coleman
Kevin Cotter
Kevin Daley
Kevin Hertel
Kim LaSata
Kimberly Edwards
Klint Kesto
Kristen McDonald Rivet
Kristian Grant
Kristy Pagan
Kurt Damrow
Kurt Heise
Kyra Bolden
LaTanya Garrett
Lana Theis
Larry Inman
Laura Cox
Laurie Pohutsky
Lee Chatfield
Lesia Liss
Leslie Love
Lisa Brown
Lisa Howze
Lisa Posthumus Lyons
Lori Stone
Luke Meerman
Lynn Afendoulis
Mai Xiong
Mallory McMorrow
Marcia Hovey-Wright
Margaret O'Brien
Mari Manoogian
Marilyn Lane
Mark Huizenga
Mark Jansen
Mark Meadows
Mark Ouimet
Mark Tisdel
Marshall Bullock
Martin Howrylak
Martin Knollenberg
Marty Knollenberg
Mary Cavanagh
Mary Whiteford
Matt Bierlein
Matt Hall
Matt Huuki
Matt Koleszar
Matt Longjohn
Matt Maddock
Matthew Lori
Maureen Stapleton
Michael MacDonald
Michael McCready
Michael Shirkey
Michael Webber
Michael Webber
Michele Hoitenga
Michele Hoitenga
Mike Callton
Mike Green
Mike Harris
Mike Harris
Mike Hoadley
Mike Kowall
Mike McFall
Mike Mueller
Mike Mueller
Mike Nofs
Mike Shirkey
Morgan Foreman
Morris W Hood III
Nancy DeBoer
Nancy Jenkins
Nancy Jenkins-Arno
Natalie Price
Nate Shannon
Nate Shannon
Neil Friske
Noah Arbit
Padma Kuppa
Pam Faris
Pamela Hornberger
Parker Fairbairn
Pat Outman
Pat Somerville
Patrick Colbeck
Patrick Green
Paul Clemente
Paul Muxlow
Paul Opsommer
Paul Scott
Paul Wojno
Pauline Wendzel
Pauline Wendzel
Penelope Tsernoglou
Pete Lucido
Peter Herzberg
Peter Lucido
Peter Lund
Peter MacGregor
Peter Pettalia
Phil Cavanagh
Phil Green
Phil Pavlov
Phil Phelps
Phil Potvin
Phil Skaggs
Rachel Hood
Rachelle Smit
Randy Richardville
Ranjeev Puri
Rashida Tlaib
Ray Franz
Rebekah Warren
Reggie Miller
Regina Weiss
Richard Hammel
Richard LeBlanc
Richard Steenland
Rick Jones
Rick Olson
Rick Outman
Rob VerHeulen
Robert Genetski II
Robert Kosowski
Robert Wittenberg
Rodney Wakeman
Roger Hauck
Roger Kahn
Roger Victory
Ron Robinson
Ronnie Peterson
Rose Mary Robinson
Rosemary Bayer
Roy Schmidt
Rudy Hobbs
Ruth Johnson
Ryan Berman
Rylee Linting
Sam Singh
Samantha Steckloff
Sara Cambensy
Sarah Anthony
Sarah Lightner
Sarah Roberts
Scott Dianda
Scott VanSingel
Sean McCann
Shane Hernandez
Shanelle Jackson
Sharon MacDonell
Sharon Tyler
Sheldon Neeley
Sherry Gay-Dagnogo
Sheryl Kennedy
Shri Thanedar
Stacy Oakes
Stephanie Chang
Stephanie Young
Stephen Wooden
Steve Carra
Steve Frisbie
Steve Marino
Steven Johnson
Steven Lindberg
Steven M Bieda
Sue Allor
Sue Shink
Sylvia Santana
TC Clements
Tenisha Yancey
Terence Mekoski
Terry Brown
Terry Sabo
Theresa Abed
Thomas Albert
Thomas Hooker
Thomas Stallworth III
Tim Greimel
Tim Kelly
Tim Melton
Tim Sneller
Timmy Beson
Timothy Bledsoe
Todd Courser
Tom Barrett
Tom Casperson
Tom Cochran
Tom Kuhn
Tom Kunse
Tom Leonard
Tom McMillin
Tommy Brann
Tonya Phillips
Tonya Schuitmaker
Tory Rocca
Triston Cole
Tullio Liberati
Tupac A. Hunter
Tyrone Carter
Vanessa Guerra
Veronica Klinefelt
Veronica Paiz
Vicki Barnett
Vincent Gregory
Virgil Smith
Wayne A Schmidt
Wayne Schmidt
Wendell Byrd
Will Bruck
Will Snyder
William Rogers
William Sowerby
Winnie Brinks
Woodrow Stanley
Yousef Rabhi
Hmong Special Guerilla Unit (SGU) Veteran’s Recog
"Lift Every Voice and Sing"
"widows' tax" on the surviving spouses of retired
1001 Inventions Month
100th Anniversary of American Legion
100th Anniversary of Michigan's state parks system
100th Anniversary of the Michigan State Police (MS
100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment
100th anniversary of the American Legion
100th anniversary of the Army Warrant Officer Corp
100th anniversary of the Great Union of Romania
100th anniversary of the founding of Michigan Farm
100th anniversary of the founding of Optimist Inte
100th anniversary of the founding of the County Ro
100th anniversary of the founding of the Michigan
100th anniversary of the passage of women's suffra
100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th
100th anniversary of the restoration of independen
106th National Day
120th anniversary of the founding of the Michigan
160th anniversary of the founding of the city of L
180th anniversary of Michigan's statehood
1953 easement
200th Anniversary of Macomb County
40th anniversary of the founding of the Michigan C
44th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court Roe v.
45th anniversary of the issuance of the U.S. Supre
46th anniversary of the issuance of the U.S. Supre
50th Anniversary of the Michigan District Judges A
50th anniversary of the Fair Housing Act
50th anniversary of the establishment of the Michi
55th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
5G Wireless
60th Anniversary of Mowtown Records
70th anniversary of the state of Israel
73rd anniversary of D-Day
75th anniversary of D-Day
75th anniversary of the Montford Point Marines
80th anniversary of the Michigan Fraternal Order o
90th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Martin Luther
Administrative procedure: contested cases
Administrative procedure: exemptions
Administrative procedure: other
Administrative procedure: rules
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Advertising: billboards
Advertising: other
Aeronautics: aircraft
Aeronautics: airport authority
Aeronautics: airports
Aeronautics: funds
Aeronautics: other
Aeronautics: unmanned aerial systems
Aeronautics: unmanned aircraft systems
Aerospace Appreciation Day
Affordable Care Act
Agriculture Day
Agriculture Week
Agriculture: agribusiness
Agriculture: animals
Agriculture: aquaculture
Agriculture: associations and commissions
Agriculture: diseases and pests
Agriculture: equipment
Agriculture: fertilizer
Agriculture: industrial hemp
Agriculture: marketing
Agriculture: other
Agriculture: pesticides
Agriculture: plants
Agriculture: products
Agriculture: regulation
Agriculture: weights and measures
Aicardi Syndrome Awareness Day
Air Quality
Alcoholics Anonymous Day
Allied forces
Alpha Kappa Alpha Day
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Day
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Founders
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Day
Alzheimer's Awareness Month
American Heart Month
American Indian Heritage Month
American Middle East Christian Day
Amyloidosis Awareness Month
Animals: animal shelters
Animals: birds
Animals: care and treatment
Animals: cats
Animals: dangerous
Animals: dogs
Animals: domestic
Animals: exotic
Animals: game
Animals: other
Animals: pet shops
Animals: research facilities
Animals: service animals
Anniversary of Israel (70th)
Anti-Bullying Day
Anti-life Policies
Aphasia Awareness Month
Apprenticeship Week
Appropriations: Michigan strategic fund
Appropriations: agriculture and rural development
Appropriations: capital outlay
Appropriations: community colleges
Appropriations: corrections
Appropriations: department of agriculture and rural development
Appropriations: department of corrections
Appropriations: department of education
Appropriations: department of environment, Great Lakes, and energy
Appropriations: department of health and human services
Appropriations: department of insurance and financial services
Appropriations: department of labor and economic opportunity
Appropriations: department of licensing and regulatory affairs
Appropriations: department of lifelong education, advancement, and potential
Appropriations: department of military and veterans affairs
Appropriations: department of natural resources
Appropriations: department of state police
Appropriations: education
Appropriations: environment, Great Lakes, and energy
Appropriations: environmental quality
Appropriations: general government
Appropriations: grants and transfers
Appropriations: health and human services
Appropriations: higher education
Appropriations: insurance and financial services
Appropriations: judiciary
Appropriations: labor and economic opportunity
Appropriations: licensing and regulatory affairs
Appropriations: military and veterans affairs
Appropriations: multidepartment
Appropriations: natural resources
Appropriations: omnibus
Appropriations: other
Appropriations: school aid
Appropriations: school aid omnibus
Appropriations: state police
Appropriations: supplemental
Appropriations: talent and economic development
Appropriations: transportation
Appropriations: transportation department
Appropriations: zero budget
Aquatic Invasive Species Awareness Week
Arab American, Chaldean and Jewish Communities
Arab-American Heritage Month
Armed Forces Day
Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) Awareness Week
Arteriovenous Malformation Awareness Week
Article III, Section 8 of the Constitution of the
Asian Carp
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Asthma and Air Quality Awareness Month
Athletic Trainer Month
Atomic Veterans Day
Atomic veterans
Attorney General
Authority for Adjournment
Autism Awareness Day
Autism Awareness Month
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Auto Insurance Reform Week
AutoMobili-D Week
Aviation Week
Bicentennial of Frederick Douglass
Bicentennial of Monroe County
Biggby Coffee Day
Bike Week
Bike to Work Day
Biosciences Industry Day
Black April Memorial Week
Black History Month
Black Maternal Health Week
Bladder Cancer Awareness Month
Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month
Blue Star Mother's Day
Brain Cancer Awareness Month
Brain Injury Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breastfeeding Awareness Month
Buddy-to-Buddy Volunteer Veteran Program Month
Businesses: associations
Businesses: business corporations
Businesses: charitable organizations
Businesses: cooperatives
Businesses: distributors and dealers
Businesses: franchises
Businesses: limited liability companies
Businesses: minority
Businesses: nonprofit corporations
Businesses: other
Businesses: partnerships
Businesses: professional corporations
Businesses: profit corporations
Businesses: securities
Businesses: small
Buy American Act
Buy Nearby Weekend
Campaign finance: advertising
Campaign finance: campaign practices
Campaign finance: committees
Campaign finance: contributions and expenditures
Campaign finance: fund-raising
Campaign finance: independent expenditures
Campaign finance: other
Campaign finance: public disclosure
Campaign finance: public funding
Campaign finance: statements and reports
Campaign finance: violations
Campus Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Mon
Canadian officials
Cancer Prevention Day
Cancer Screen Week
Career and Technical Education Day
Career and Technical Education Month
Case Management Week
Catholic Schools Week
Celebrating Women in Public Office Day
Cemeteries and funerals: burial or cremation
Cemeteries and funerals: funeral practices
Cemeteries and funerals: other
Cemeteries and funerals: prepaid contracts
Cemeteries and funerals: private
Cemeteries and funerals: public
Cemeteries and funerals: veterans
Centenarian Day
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Chaldean American Day
Chemical Distribution Day.
Chicano History Week
Child Abuse Awareness Month
Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month
Child Abuse Prevention Month
Childhood Cancer Survivors Day
Children: adoption
Children: child abuse or child neglect
Children: child care
Children: children's rights
Children: foster care
Children: guardians
Children: health
Children: other
Children: parental rights
Children: protection
Children: services
Cities: employees and officers
Cities: financing
Cities: fourth class
Cities: home rule
Cities: income tax
Cities: ordinances
Cities: other
Cities: public services
Civil War
Civil procedure: alternate dispute resolution
Civil procedure: bankruptcy
Civil procedure: civil actions
Civil procedure: class actions
Civil procedure: costs and fees
Civil procedure: defenses
Civil procedure: discovery
Civil procedure: evictions
Civil procedure: evidence
Civil procedure: execution
Civil procedure: foreclosure
Civil procedure: garnishment
Civil procedure: injunctions
Civil procedure: other
Civil procedure: personal protection orders
Civil procedure: remedies
Civil procedure: service of process
Civil procedure: small claims
Civil procedure: statute of limitations
Civil procedure: venue
Civil procedure: writs
Civil rights: affirmative action
Civil rights: disabilities discrimination
Civil rights: employment discrimination
Civil rights: equal protection
Civil rights: general discrimination
Civil rights: housing discrimination
Civil rights: open meetings
Civil rights: other
Civil rights: privacy
Civil rights: public records
Civil rights: racial discrimination
Civil rights: religious discrimination
Civil rights: sex discrimination and harassment
Civil rights: sexual orientation discrimination
Civil rights: speech and assembly
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.
Colorectal Awareness Month
Commercial code: other
Commercial code: secured transactions
Communications: broadcasting
Communications: cellular telephone
Communications: emergency 9-1-1
Communications: internet
Communications: mail
Communications: newspapers and magazines
Communications: other
Communications: social media
Communications: technology
Communications: telecommunications
Communications: video services
Community Action Agency Month
Community-based influenza vaccination programs
Conductive Education Day
Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week
Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Week
Congress of the United States
Congressman John D. Dingell Jr.
Constitutional amendment, free speech
Constitutional amendments: federal
Constitutional amendments: state
Construction: asbestos
Construction: code
Construction: contracts
Construction: electrical
Construction: equipment
Construction: fire safety
Construction: housing
Construction: inspectors
Construction: lead abatement
Construction: occupations
Construction: other
Construction: permits
Construction: plumbing
Construction: public buildings
Construction: safety
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Consumer credit: collection practices
Consumer credit: credit cards
Consumer credit: credit reports and reporting agencies
Consumer credit: debt management
Consumer credit: interest rates
Consumer credit: lending practices
Consumer credit: other
Consumer credit: unfair trade practices
Consumer protection: consumer leases
Consumer protection: consumer solicitation
Consumer protection: home solicitation sales
Consumer protection: identity theft
Consumer protection: marketing and advertising
Consumer protection: other
Consumer protection: privacy
Consumer protection: retail installment sales
Consumer protection: solicitations
Consumer protection: unfair trade practices
Consumer protection: vehicle leases
Controlled Substances Act of 1970
Controlled substances: drug paraphernalia
Controlled substances: forfeiture of property
Controlled substances: marihuana
Controlled substances: narcotic drugs
Controlled substances: opioids
Controlled substances: other
Controlled substances: penalties
Controlled substances: schedules
Controlled substances: use
Corporate Citizenship Day
Corporate Responsibility Day
Corporate income tax: business income
Corporate income tax: credits
Corporate income tax: deductions
Corporate income tax: economic development
Corporate income tax: exemptions
Corporate income tax: financial institutions
Corporate income tax: flow-through entities
Corporate income tax: forms
Corporate income tax: insurance companies
Corporate income tax: nexus
Corporate income tax: other
Corporate income tax: rate
Corporate income tax: revenue distribution
Corporate income tax: tax base
Corporate income tax: unitary filing
Corporate income tax: withholding requirements
Corporation for National and Community Service
Correctional Officers Week
Corrections: alternatives
Corrections: employees
Corrections: jails
Corrections: other
Corrections: parole
Corrections: prisoners
Corrections: private facilities
Corrections: state facilities
Counties: boards and commissions
Counties: charter
Counties: employees and officers
Counties: financing
Counties: optional unified form of county government
Counties: ordinances
Counties: other
County Government Month
County Road Association’s 100th Anniversary.
Courts: business court
Courts: circuit court
Courts: contempt
Courts: court of appeals
Courts: district court
Courts: drug court
Courts: employees
Courts: family division
Courts: funding
Courts: guardian ad litem
Courts: judges
Courts: juries
Courts: jurisdiction
Courts: mental health court
Courts: municipal court
Courts: other
Courts: probate court
Courts: records
Courts: reorganization
Courts: reporters or recorders
Courts: small claims
Courts: state court administration
Courts: supreme court
Craft Beer Month
Credit Union Week
Crime Victims Rights Week
Crime Victims' Rights
Crime victims: compensation
Crime victims: notices
Crime victims: other
Crime victims: restitution
Crime victims: rights
Crime victims: statements
Crimes: abortion
Crimes: abuse
Crimes: ammunition
Crimes: animals
Crimes: assaultive
Crimes: breaking and entering
Crimes: business crimes
Crimes: computer
Crimes: concealed weapons
Crimes: controlled substances
Crimes: counterfeiting
Crimes: credit cards
Crimes: crimes against minors
Crimes: criminal sexual conduct
Crimes: definitions
Crimes: disorderly conduct
Crimes: domestic violence
Crimes: drugs
Crimes: embezzlement
Crimes: escape
Crimes: explosives
Crimes: firearms
Crimes: fleeing and eluding
Crimes: forgery
Crimes: fraud
Crimes: gambling
Crimes: gangs
Crimes: homicide
Crimes: human trafficking
Crimes: identity theft
Crimes: internet
Crimes: intoxication or impairment
Crimes: kidnapping
Crimes: larceny
Crimes: lewdness
Crimes: malicious destruction
Crimes: money laundering
Crimes: obscenity
Crimes: organized
Crimes: other
Crimes: penalties
Crimes: perjury
Crimes: prostitution
Crimes: public office and officers
Crimes: public safety
Crimes: robbery
Crimes: sex offender registration
Crimes: solicitation
Crimes: stalking
Crimes: stolen property
Crimes: surveillance
Crimes: telecommunications
Crimes: terrorism
Crimes: trespassing
Crimes: vehicle offenses
Crimes: weapons
Criminal procedure: DNA
Criminal procedure: appeals
Criminal procedure: arraignment
Criminal procedure: arrests
Criminal procedure: bail
Criminal procedure: biometric data
Criminal procedure: code
Criminal procedure: defenses
Criminal procedure: discovery
Criminal procedure: double jeopardy
Criminal procedure: evidence
Criminal procedure: expunction
Criminal procedure: extradition
Criminal procedure: forfeiture
Criminal procedure: habitual offenders
Criminal procedure: indictment
Criminal procedure: indigent defense
Criminal procedure: jurisdiction
Criminal procedure: mental capacity
Criminal procedure: other
Criminal procedure: pleas
Criminal procedure: preliminary examination
Criminal procedure: pretrial procedure
Criminal procedure: probation
Criminal procedure: prosecuting attorneys
Criminal procedure: records
Criminal procedure: search and seizure
Criminal procedure: self-incrimination
Criminal procedure: sentencing
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines
Criminal procedure: sex offender registration
Criminal procedure: statute of limitations
Criminal procedure: trial
Criminal procedure: warrants
Criminal procedure: witnesses
Criminal procedure: youthful trainees
Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Week
Curling Week
Cutaneous Lymphoma Awareness Day
Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month
DBA International
Dark Sky Awareness Month
Day of Remembrance for the Armenian Genocide of 19
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
Department of Environmental Quality
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Talent and Workforce Development
Department of Veterans Affairs Board of Veterans'
Detroit Building Authority
Detroit Land Bank Authority
Detroit Zoological Society
Detroit: other
Diabetes Awareness Month
Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Awareness Day
Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma Awareness Day
Disabilities: deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing
Disabilities: other
Disability Employment Awareness Month
Discriminatory overreach
Disposable wipes as non-flushable
Distracted Driving Awareness Day
Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Distracted Driving Awareness Week
Diwali Festival
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Donate Life Month
Drains: boards
Drains: construction
Drains: districts
Drains: drain commissioners
Drains: financing
Drains: maintenance and improvement
Drains: natural resources
Drains: other
Drains: sewers
Drains: water management districts
Dutch-American Amity Day
Dutch-American Friendship Day
Dutch-American Heritage Day
Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Economic development: Michigan economic growth authority
Economic development: Michigan strategic fund
Economic development: abatements
Economic development: administration and collection
Economic development: brownfield redevelopment authority
Economic development: commercial redevelopment
Economic development: corridor improvement
Economic development: development incentives
Economic development: downtown development authorities
Economic development: economic development corporations
Economic development: enterprise zones
Economic development: historic neighborhood tax increment financing authority
Economic development: local development financing authority
Economic development: neighborhood enterprise zones
Economic development: obsolete property and rehabilitation
Economic development: other
Economic development: plant rehabilitation
Economic development: renaissance zones
Economic development: tax increment financing
Economic development: water resource improvement authority
Eczema Awareness Month
Education Day
Education: all other employees
Education: alternative
Education: athletics
Education: attendance
Education: board members
Education: building use
Education: calendar
Education: career and technical
Education: counseling
Education: curriculum
Education: discipline
Education: dual enrollment
Education: elementary
Education: employees
Education: examinations
Education: facilities
Education: financing
Education: governing boards
Education: graduation requirements
Education: health related
Education: high schools
Education: intermediate school districts
Education: meals
Education: middle schools
Education: nonpublic
Education: occupational schools
Education: other
Education: preschools
Education: public school academies
Education: reorganization
Education: reports
Education: safety
Education: school choice
Education: school districts
Education: secondary
Education: special
Education: special education
Education: students
Education: teachers
Education: teachers and administrators
Education: technology
Education: transportation
Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Elder Abuse Awareness Month
Elections: absent voter ballot drop boxes
Elections: absent voters
Elections: apportionment
Elections: audits
Elections: ballot proposals
Elections: ballots
Elections: campaign practices
Elections: candidates
Elections: canvassing
Elections: challengers
Elections: constitutional amendments
Elections: election officials
Elections: filing fees
Elections: general election
Elections: initiative and referendum
Elections: judicial
Elections: local
Elections: millage
Elections: offenses
Elections: other
Elections: petitions
Elections: political parties
Elections: polling places
Elections: precinct boundaries
Elections: precinct delegates
Elections: presidential electors
Elections: presidential primary
Elections: primary
Elections: qualified voter file
Elections: recall
Elections: recounts
Elections: registration
Elections: scheduling
Elections: school
Elections: special elections
Elections: voters
Elections: voting equipment
Elections: voting procedures
Emergency Medical Services Week
Empire Mine
Employment security: administration
Employment security: benefits
Employment security: claimants
Employment security: contribution rate
Employment security: employers
Employment security: funds
Employment security: hearings
Employment security: other
Employment security: reports
Employment security: sanctions
Enbridge Energy Line 5 pipelines
Encourage Me I’m Young National Respect Day
End Epilepsy Day
Endangered Species List
Endometriosis Awareness Month
Energy Storage
Energy: alternative sources
Energy: conservation and efficiency
Energy: electricity
Energy: gas and oil
Energy: natural gas
Energy: nuclear
Energy: other
Environmental protection: air pollution
Environmental protection: cleanups
Environmental protection: funding
Environmental protection: groundwater contamination
Environmental protection: hazardous products
Environmental protection: hazardous substances
Environmental protection: hazardous waste
Environmental protection: landfills
Environmental protection: litter
Environmental protection: other
Environmental protection: permits
Environmental protection: pollution prevention
Environmental protection: radioactive waste
Environmental protection: recycling
Environmental protection: recycling and waste utilization
Environmental protection: sewage
Environmental protection: solid waste
Environmental protection: underground storage tanks
Environmental protection: water pollution
Epilepsy Awareness Month
Equal Pay Day
Equal Rights Advocacy Day
Essential Air Service Program
Ethnic and Cultural Heritage Month
Executive Order No. 2019-02
Explosives: fireworks
Explosives: other
F-35 Lightning II
Facility for Rare Isotype Beams
Fair Housing Act
Fair Housing Month
Falun Gong practitioners
Family Caregivers Month
Family Meals Month
Family Medicine Week
Family law: child custody
Family law: child support
Family law: domestic violence
Family law: friend of the court
Family law: marriage and divorce
Family law: other
Family law: parenting time
Family law: paternity
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Infatructure Plan
Federal law
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Month
Filipino-American Friendship Day
Filipino-American Heritage Month
Financial Literacy Month
Financial institutions: banking practices
Financial institutions: banks
Financial institutions: checks and drafts
Financial institutions: credit cards
Financial institutions: credit unions
Financial institutions: generally
Financial institutions: loan officers
Financial institutions: money transmitters
Financial institutions: other
Financial institutions: payday lending
Financial institutions: savings and loan associations
Financial institutions: small loan companies
Finnish-American Heritage Month
Fire Prevention Week
Fire: drills
Fire: other
Fireworks: licensing
Fireworks: ordinances
Fireworks: other
Fireworks: penalties
Fireworks: possession
Fireworks: sale
Fireworks: storage
Fireworks: use
Fisher House
Fisher House Day
Five Healthy Towns Foundation
Flint Community Players
Flint River Trail
Food: adulterated
Food: beverages
Food: cottage food operation
Food: enforcement
Food: fruits and vegetables
Food: licensing
Food: meats
Food: milk
Food: other
Food: processors
Food: restaurants
Food: retail establishments
Food: service establishments
Formula SAE Week
Foster Care Awareness Month
Foster Care Awareness Month.
Foster Care Day
Foster Grandparent Month
Fragile X Awareness Day
Fragile X Awareness Month
Fred Korematsu Day
Free Speech Week
French Canadian Heritage Week
French-Canadian Metis Heritage Week
French-Canadian and Metis Heritage Week
Game species
Gaming: bingo and charitable gaming
Gaming: casinos
Gaming: horse racing
Gaming: lottery
Gaming: other
Gas Utility Worker Appreciation Day
Go Red for Women Day
Governor of Michigan
Great Lakes
Great Lakes Nature Center
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
Great Lakes basin
Greek Independence Day
Gun Violence Awareness Day
Health facilities: birthing centers
Health facilities: certificate of need
Health facilities: county medical care facilities
Health facilities: emergency medical services
Health facilities: employees
Health facilities: freestanding surgical outpatient facilities
Health facilities: homes for the aged
Health facilities: hospices
Health facilities: hospitals
Health facilities: laboratories
Health facilities: licensing
Health facilities: long-term care facilities
Health facilities: medical records
Health facilities: nursing homes
Health facilities: other
Health facilities: patient directives
Health facilities: patient safety
Health facilities: patients
Health facilities: quality assurance assessments
Health facilities: staffing
Health occupations: acupuncturists
Health occupations: advanced practice registered nurses
Health occupations: applied behavioral analysis therapists
Health occupations: athletic trainers
Health occupations: audiologists
Health occupations: chiropractors
Health occupations: counselors
Health occupations: dental hygienists
Health occupations: dentists
Health occupations: dietitians and nutritionists
Health occupations: emergency medical services personnel
Health occupations: health professionals
Health occupations: marriage and family therapists
Health occupations: massage therapists
Health occupations: medical assistants
Health occupations: mental health care professionals
Health occupations: midwives
Health occupations: nurses
Health occupations: nursing assistants
Health occupations: nursing home administrators
Health occupations: occupational therapists
Health occupations: optometrists
Health occupations: other
Health occupations: pharmacists
Health occupations: pharmacy technicians
Health occupations: physical therapist assistants
Health occupations: physical therapists
Health occupations: physician's assistants
Health occupations: physicians
Health occupations: podiatrists
Health occupations: psychologists
Health occupations: respiratory therapists
Health occupations: social workers
Health occupations: speech-language pathologists
Health occupations: unlicensed practice
Health occupations: veterinarians
Health occupations: veterinary technician
Health: abortion
Health: anatomical gifts
Health: blood
Health: children
Health: code
Health: controlled substances
Health: death
Health: disabilities
Health: diseases
Health: education
Health: electronic records
Health: emergency response
Health: emergency services
Health: funding
Health: genetics
Health: hazardous products
Health: home health care
Health: immunizations
Health: in vitro fertilization
Health: informed consent
Health: licensing
Health: local health departments
Health: medical examiners
Health: medical marihuana
Health: medical records
Health: medical waste
Health: occupations
Health: other
Health: pain management and treatment
Health: patient choice
Health: patient directives
Health: pharmaceuticals
Health: planning
Health: practitioners
Health: research
Health: screening
Health: smoking
Health: substance use disorder
Health: substance use disorder prevention
Health: substance use disorder treatment
Health: suicide
Health: testing
Health: vital records
Healthcare Decisions Day
Higher education: admission
Higher education: community colleges
Higher education: curriculum
Higher education: degrees and credentials
Higher education: education programs
Higher education: employees
Higher education: financial aid
Higher education: generally
Higher education: governing boards
Higher education: housing
Higher education: other
Higher education: private schools
Higher education: proprietary schools
Higher education: research
Higher education: state universities
Higher education: students
Higher education: tuition
Highways: bridges
Highways: construction and repair
Highways: local
Highways: memorial
Highways: name
Highways: other
Highways: safety
Highways: signs
Highways: snow removal
Hispanic Heritage Month
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week
History and arts: historic sites
History and arts: other
Holidays: other
Holocaust Commemoration Day
Holocaust Remembrance Day
Holodomor Memorial Day
Home Education Day
Homeland security: other
Homeless Awareness Week
Houghton, Gogebic, and Menominee Counties
House Government Operations Committee
House Oversight Committee
House Select Committee on Reducing Car Insurance R
Housing: abandoned
Housing: affordable
Housing: condominium
Housing: disabilities
Housing: homeless
Housing: hotel-motel special assessments
Housing: housing development authority
Housing: inspection
Housing: landlord and tenants
Housing: manufactured, modular, or mobile homes
Housing: other
Housing: public accommodations
Housing: residential
Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Human services: adult foster care
Human services: children's services
Human services: county services
Human services: employment and training
Human services: food assistance
Human services: foster parents
Human services: fraud
Human services: long-term care
Human services: medical services
Human services: other
Human services: services or financial assistance
Hunger Solutions Day
Hunt, fish, and harvest widlife
Hydrocephalus Awareness Month
Independent Colleges and Universities Week
Indian-American Legislative Day
Individual income tax: administration
Individual income tax: checkoff
Individual income tax: city
Individual income tax: collections
Individual income tax: credit
Individual income tax: deductions
Individual income tax: economic development
Individual income tax: exemptions
Individual income tax: forms
Individual income tax: home heating credit
Individual income tax: income
Individual income tax: other
Individual income tax: penalties and interest
Individual income tax: property tax credit
Individual income tax: rate
Individual income tax: refunds
Individual income tax: reporting
Individual income tax: retirement or pension benefits
Individual income tax: returns
Individual income tax: revenue distributions
Individual income tax: school aid
Individual income tax: veterans
Individual income tax: withholding requirements
InfantSEE® Week
InfantSEE® Week
InfantSee Week
Insurance: annuities
Insurance: automobile
Insurance: dental care corporations
Insurance: exchanges
Insurance: fraternal benefit societies
Insurance: health benefits
Insurance: health insurers
Insurance: insurers
Insurance: life
Insurance: long-term care
Insurance: no-fault
Insurance: other
Insurance: pools
Insurance: producers
Insurance: property and casualty
Insurance: reinsurance
Insurance: self-funded
Insurance: third party administrators
Insurance: third-party administrators
Insurance: unfair trade practices
Internal Revenue Code
International Day Of The Girl Child
International Day of Yoga
International Homeless Animals Day
International Women's Day
Invisible Illness Awareness Week
Iraqi nationals residing in Michigan and the Unite
Italian-American Heritage Month
Japanese Internment Day of Rembrance
Japanese-American Internment Day of Remembrance
Jewish American Heritage Month
Joe Louis Greenway
Joint Convention
Joint Convention Rules
Joint Rules of the House and Senate
Judge Damon J. Keith
Juneteenth Independence Day
Junior Achievement Month
Juveniles: crimes
Juveniles: criminal procedure
Juveniles: delinquency
Juveniles: juvenile justice services
Juveniles: other
Juveniles: truancy
Karner blue butterfly
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
L'Anse Reservation
Labor: agricultural
Labor: arbitration
Labor: benefits
Labor: civil service employment
Labor: collective bargaining
Labor: comparable worth
Labor: discrimination
Labor: employment incentives
Labor: employment preference
Labor: fair employment practices
Labor: health and safety
Labor: hours and wages
Labor: job development
Labor: job training
Labor: leave
Labor: notices
Labor: organizations
Labor: other
Labor: public service employment
Labor: public service labor disputes
Labor: undocumented workers
Labor: working conditions
Labor: youth employment
Lake Erie
Lake Huron
Lake St. Clair Metropark
Land use: farmland and open space
Land use: land division
Land use: other
Land use: planning
Land use: zoning and growth management
Lansing Labor Holiday Remembrance Day
Large Lakes Research Stationin Gross Ile, Michigan
Law Day
Law enforcement: background check
Law enforcement: colleges and universities
Law enforcement: communications
Law enforcement: employment
Law enforcement: fingerprinting
Law enforcement: fire personnel
Law enforcement: funds
Law enforcement: investigations
Law enforcement: law enforcement information network (LEIN)
Law enforcement: local police
Law enforcement: other
Law enforcement: peace officers
Law enforcement: records
Law enforcement: reports
Law enforcement: state police
Law enforcement: training
Law: contracts
Law: other
Law: sunset
Law: uniform or model acts
League of Women Voters of Michigan, et al v. Jocel
Legislative schedule
Legislature: administrative procedure
Legislature: advice and consent
Legislature: appointments
Legislature: apportionment
Legislature: auditor general
Legislature: committees
Legislature: legislative agencies
Legislature: legislators
Legislature: other
Legislature: reports
Legislature: rules
Legislature: sessions
Leiomyosarcoma Awareness Day
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Mont
Leukodystrophy Awareness Month
Lewis College of Business Week
Libraries: district
Libraries: funds
Libraries: local
Libraries: other
Libraries: policies and practices
Libraries: state
Liens: construction
Liens: other
Lieutenant-Colonel Albert M. Edwards
Life Insurance Awareness Month
Lineman Appreciation Day
Lineworker Appreciation Day
Lions Week
Lipedema Awareness
Liquor: advertising
Liquor: authorized distribution agents
Liquor: beer
Liquor: distribution
Liquor: drinking age
Liquor: economic development
Liquor: hours
Liquor: liability
Liquor: licenses
Liquor: liquor control commission
Liquor: manufacturer
Liquor: other
Liquor: permits
Liquor: retail sales
Liquor: spirits
Liquor: tax
Liquor: wine
Literacy Bill of Rights
Local School Board Recognition Month
Local government: annexation
Local government: audits
Local government: authorities
Local government: boards and commissions
Local government: bonds
Local government: budgets
Local government: employees and officers
Local government: financing
Local government: intergovernmental affairs
Local government: liability
Local government: ordinances
Local government: other
Local government: port authorities
Local government: public services
Local government: water and sewer
Lois J. Cross-Hart
Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease Awareness Month
Lymphedema Awareness Day
Mackinac Straits Utility Corridor
Maltese American Heritage Day
Maltese American Heritage Week
Marihuana: administration
Marihuana: advertising
Marihuana: caregivers
Marihuana: establishments
Marihuana: facilities
Marihuana: liability
Marihuana: licenses
Marihuana: local government control
Marihuana: other
Marihuana: penalties and remedies
Marihuana: qualifying patients
Marihuana: retail sales
Marihuana: taxation
Marihuana: tracking system
Masons Week
Medal Of Honor Day
Medal of Honor
Medical marihuana: administration
Medical marihuana: caregivers
Medical marihuana: facilities
Medical marihuana: licenses
Medical marihuana: local government control
Medical marihuana: medical use
Medical marihuana: other
Medical marihuana: penalties and remedies
Medical marihuana: qualifying patients
Medical marihuana: taxation
Medical marihuana: tracking system
Men's Health Week and Blue Day
Men's Mental Health Awareness Day
Meningococcal Immunization Awareness Month
Menstrual Hygiene Day
Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental health: children
Mental health: code
Mental health: community mental health
Mental health: developmental disability
Mental health: facilities
Mental health: forensic
Mental health: guardians
Mental health: hospitalization
Mental health: other
Mental health: patients
Mental health: recipient rights
Mentoring Month
Metro Detroit Youth Day
Michigan Aerospace Day
Michigan Agency for Energy
Michigan Day
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Ser
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Michigan Department of Transportation Director Kir
Michigan Fraternal Order of Police Anniversary
Michigan Homeschool Week
Michigan Independent Colleges and Universities Wee
Michigan Legislators Compact Day
Michigan Manufacturing Month
Michigan Mountain Biking Day
Michigan Municipal League
Michigan Music Month
Michigan Patriot Week
Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union
Michigan School Bus Safety Week
Michigan State University
Michigan State University Board of Trustees
Michigan State University President Lou Anna K. Si
Michigan State Waterways Commission
Michigan Student Athlete Cardiac Awareness Month
Michigan Supreme Court
Michigan Trails Week
Michigan Venture Capital and Angel Investment week
Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency
Michigan Veterans Trust Fund board
Michigan Veterans' Facility Authority
Michigan Water Day and World Water Day
Michigan Wildlife Conservation Month
Michigan business tax: collection
Michigan business tax: credits
Michigan business tax: economic development
Michigan business tax: other
Michigan business tax: repeal
Michigan business tax: withholding requirements
Michigan education professionals
Michigan gray wolf
Michigan water trails
Michigan's Attorney General
Michigan's electric market
Michigan's public universities
Michigan’s Manufacturing Community
Middle East peace process
Military affairs: facilities
Military affairs: generally
Military affairs: other
Mobile homes: code
Mobile homes: other
Mobile homes: owner's rights
Mobile homes: parks
Mobile homes: rentals
Mobile homes: sales
Mobile homes: title
Money Smart Week
Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
Mowtown Records
Multiple Sclerosis State Action Day
Multiple System Atrophy Awareness Month
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Disease
Nation's Borders
National Bioenergy Day
National Coming Out Day
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
National Gun Violence Awareness Day
National Kidney Month
National Outdoors Day
National Park Service
National Recovery Day
National Recovery Week
National Respect Day
National Trails Day
National Travel and Tourism Week
Natural Gas Week
Natural Resources Commission
Natural resources
Natural resources: Great Lakes
Natural resources: endangered species
Natural resources: fishing
Natural resources: floodplains
Natural resources: forests
Natural resources: funding
Natural resources: gas and oil
Natural resources: hunting
Natural resources: inland lakes
Natural resources: land acquisition
Natural resources: mining
Natural resources: nonnative species
Natural resources: other
Natural resources: rivers and streams
Natural resources: sand dunes
Natural resources: shorelands
Natural resources: soil and erosion
Natural resources: trust fund
Natural resources: wetlands
Natural resources: wildlife
Nestle Waters North America
Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month
North American Free Trade Agreement
Nuclear Waste
Nuclear Waste Fund
Nurses Week
ORV Rider Recognition Day
Occupations: accounting
Occupations: advisors and counselors
Occupations: agriculture
Occupations: alarm systems
Occupations: appraisers
Occupations: architects, professional engineers, and surveyors
Occupations: athletics
Occupations: attorneys
Occupations: barbers
Occupations: business licensing and registration
Occupations: child care professionals
Occupations: code
Occupations: collection practices
Occupations: construction
Occupations: cosmetologists
Occupations: electricians
Occupations: employment agencies
Occupations: foresters
Occupations: hearing aid
Occupations: individual licensing and registration
Occupations: individual licensing and regulation
Occupations: inspectors
Occupations: insurance
Occupations: interior design
Occupations: junk and secondhand dealers
Occupations: landscape architects
Occupations: licensing fees
Occupations: lobbyists
Occupations: mechanical contractors
Occupations: mortuary science
Occupations: notaries public
Occupations: other
Occupations: pawnbrokers
Occupations: plumbers
Occupations: real estate
Occupations: registration
Occupations: residential builders
Occupations: securities
Occupations: security guards
Occupations: subfields
Occupations: unlicensed practice
Occupations: vehicles, dealers and repair facilities
Occupations: vehicles, dealers, and repair facilities
Older Michiganians Day
Omphalocele Awareness Day
Ontario Power Generation's Proposal
Oppose Green New Deal
Organ Donor Appreciation Month
Organ Donor Registry Day
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Ottawa National Forest
PACE Awareness Week
PANS and PANDAS Awareness Day
POW/MIA Recognition Day
Paris Climate Accord
Paris Climate Agreement
Parkinson's Disease Awareness Day
Patient Safety Awareness Week
Patriot Day
Patriot Week
Pay Equity Day
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
People's Republic of China
Poet Laureate of the State of Michigan
Police Week
Pollinator Week
Polycythemia Vera State Action Day
Post Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day
Power of Black Dollar Appreciation Month
Prayer Day
Pregnancy Loss Awareness Day
President Donald J. Trump
President Donald Trump
President Trump's offensive remarks degrading immi
President of the United States
Pride Month
Probate: guardians and conservators
Probate: other
Probate: patient advocates
Probate: powers of attorney
Probate: trusts
Probate: wills and estates
Problem Gambling Awareness Month
Propane Safety Awareness Day
Property tax: Headlee
Property tax: appeals
Property tax: assessments
Property tax: board of review
Property tax: classification
Property tax: delinquent taxes
Property tax: equalization
Property tax: exemptions
Property tax: limitation
Property tax: local community stabilization share
Property tax: millage
Property tax: other
Property tax: payment and collection
Property tax: payment in lieu of taxes
Property tax: personal property
Property tax: principal residence exemption
Property tax: senior citizens
Property tax: special assessments
Property tax: state education tax
Property tax: state essential services assessment
Property tax: tax tribunal
Property tax: utility property
Property: abandoned
Property: boundaries
Property: commercial leases
Property: condemnation
Property: conveyance of state property
Property: conveyances
Property: land contracts
Property: land sales
Property: leases
Property: mortgages
Property: other
Property: ownership interests
Property: personal
Property: recording
Property: state buildings
Property: trespass
Property: use restrictions or covenants
Public Act 359 of 2018
Public Act 75 of 2010
Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Public Works Week
Public employees and officers: compensation and benefits
Public employees and officers: duties
Public employees and officers: ethics
Public employees and officers: local qualifications
Public employees and officers: other
Public employees and officers: state
Public utilities: consumer services
Public utilities: cooperative utilities
Public utilities: electric utilities
Public utilities: municipal utilities
Public utilities: natural gas utilities
Public utilities: other
Public utilities: public service commission
Public utilities: rates
Public utilities: water utilities
Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month
Qualified Plug-In Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Tax
Rail Safety Week
Rare Disease Awareness Day
Rare Disease Day
Reading Month
Ready to Proceed
Ready to proceed
Recognize Vietnam Veterans Day
Records: abortion
Records: adoption
Records: birth
Records: census
Records: death
Records: divorce
Records: education
Records: election
Records: health
Records: marriage
Records: medical
Records: other
Records: public
Records: veterans
Records: vital records
Recreation: athletics and sports
Recreation: campgrounds
Recreation: entertainment
Recreation: fairs
Recreation: local parks
Recreation: other
Recreation: outdoor activities
Recreation: state parks
Recreation: swimming pools
Recreation: tourism
Recreation: trails
Religion: other
Religious Freedom Day
Representative Larry Inman of the One-Hundred four
Republic of China
Republic of China (Taiwan)
Respiratory Care Week
Responsible Chemical Distribution Day
Restoration of Appropriation for the MotorCities N
Retirement: county employees
Retirement: defined benefit
Retirement: defined contribution
Retirement: fire and police
Retirement: forfeiture
Retirement: health benefits
Retirement: investments
Retirement: judges
Retirement: legislative
Retirement: military
Retirement: municipal employees
Retirement: other
Retirement: pension oversight
Retirement: public school employees
Retirement: reciprocal retirement system
Retirement: state employees
Retirement: state police
Revenue sharing: cities and villages
Revenue sharing: counties
Revenue sharing: other
Revenue sharing: townships
Richmond Township
Roe v. Wade
Rohingya people in Myanmar
Ronald McDonald House Charities Global Day of Chan
Route 1 of the Great Lake to Lake Trails
STEM Awareness Week
Safety: other
Sales tax: collections
Sales tax: definitions
Sales tax: distribution
Sales tax: exemptions
Sales tax: other
Sandhill cranes
Sarcoma Awareness Week
School Board Recognition Month
School Choice Week
School Library Month
School aid: categoricals
School aid: conditions
School aid: fiscal year appropriations
School aid: foundation allowance
School aid: intermediate districts
School aid: local districts
School aid: membership
School aid: other
School aid: payments
School aid: penalties
School aid: public school academies
School aid: supplemental
School-Based Health Care Awareness Month
School-Based Health Center Awareness Month
School-Based Health Center Month
Section 529 Qualified Tuition Program
Self-Care Month
Selfridge Air National Guard Base
Senate Rules
Senate organization
Senior Independence Month
Senior citizens: crimes
Senior citizens: health
Senior citizens: housing
Senior citizens: income tax
Senior citizens: other
Senior citizens: property tax
SepticSmart Week
Sergeant Thomas Henry Sheppard
Sesquicentennial of the city of Essexville
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Shiawassee River Water Trail
Shingles Awareness and Improvement Month
Snowplow Driver Appreciation Day
Social Security
Social Work Month
Soil and Water Stewardship Week
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month
Spread The Word To End The Word
Standing Rules of the House of Representatives
Standing Senate Rules
State agencies (existing): agriculture and rural development
State agencies (existing): attorney general
State agencies (existing): boards and commissions
State agencies (existing): civil rights
State agencies (existing): corrections
State agencies (existing): department of labor and economic opportunity
State agencies (existing): education
State agencies (existing): environment, Great Lakes, and energy
State agencies (existing): environmental quality
State agencies (existing): executive office
State agencies (existing): generally
State agencies (existing): health and human services
State agencies (existing): insurance and financial services
State agencies (existing): labor and economic opportunity
State agencies (existing): licensing and regulatory affairs
State agencies (existing): military and veterans affairs
State agencies (existing): natural resources
State agencies (existing): other
State agencies (existing): state
State agencies (existing): state police
State agencies (existing): talent and economic development
State agencies (existing): technology, management, and budget
State agencies (existing): transportation
State agencies (existing): treasury
State agencies (proposed): authorities
State agencies (proposed): boards and commissions
State agencies (proposed): other
State finance: authorities
State finance: bonds
State finance: budgets
State finance: other
State financing and management: audits
State financing and management: authorities
State financing and management: bonds
State financing and management: budget
State financing and management: escheats
State financing and management: funds
State financing and management: other
State financing and management: purchasing
State financing and management: research, development, and high technology
State management: escheats
State management: funds
State management: other
State management: purchasing
State of Israel
State of Michigan
State: identification cards
State: interstate compacts and agreements
State: other
State: symbol
Stop the Bleed Day
Streamline sales and use tax: exemptions
Streamline sales and use tax: other
Stroke Awareness Month
Suicide Awareness and Prevention
Suicide Prevention Month
Suits and Sneakers Day
Sunshine Week
Supreme Court of the state of Michigan
Survivor Empowerment Day
Taiwan Day
Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week
Taxation: administration
Taxation: convention tourism assessments
Taxation: estates
Taxation: excise taxes
Taxation: farmland and open space
Taxation: health insurance claims
Taxation: hotel-motel
Taxation: inheritance
Taxation: liquor
Taxation: mobile homes
Taxation: other
Taxation: revenue sharing
Taxation: severance
Taxation: specific tax
Taxation: state real estate transfer
Taxation: tobacco
Taxation: utility users
Teacher Appreciation Week
Temporary Standing Rules
The Rotary Foundation
Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Title X family planning program
Tobacco: advertising
Tobacco: alternative nicotine products
Tobacco: distribution
Tobacco: generally
Tobacco: internet sales
Tobacco: licenses
Tobacco: liquid nicotine
Tobacco: other
Tobacco: retail sales
Tobacco: vapor products
Torts: civil procedure
Torts: defenses
Torts: governmental immunity
Torts: intentional
Torts: liability
Torts: medical malpractice
Torts: nonmedical malpractice
Torts: other
Torts: premises liability
Torts: product liability
Torts: remedies
Torts: wrongful death
Townships: annexation
Townships: boards and commissions
Townships: charter
Townships: consolidation
Townships: employees and officers
Townships: financing
Townships: general law
Townships: ordinances
Townships: other
Townships: public services
Trade relations
Trade: antitrust
Trade: business practices
Trade: business regulation
Trade: consumer goods and services
Trade: containers
Trade: data security
Trade: fair trade practices
Trade: hazardous products
Trade: labeling
Trade: other
Trade: securities
Trade: vehicles
Trade: vending machines
Traffic control: accidents
Traffic control: civil infraction procedures
Traffic control: driver license
Traffic control: other
Traffic control: parking
Traffic control: pedestrians
Traffic control: speed restrictions
Traffic control: traffic regulation
Traffic control: violations
Trails Week
Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of
Transparency in Government Month
Transparency to electoral process
Transportation: authorities
Transportation: carriers
Transportation: funds
Transportation: limousines
Transportation: motor carrier fuel tax
Transportation: motor fuel tax
Transportation: other
Transportation: railroads
Transportation: school vehicles
Transportation: transportation network companies
Tribal law: generally
Trump Administration
Trustee Dino F. Bucci, Jr., of Macomb Township, Mi
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Awareness Day
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Congress
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
U.S. Economic Recovery Plan
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
U.S. Surface Transportation Board
U.S. medical community
USCGC Escanaba Day
United Nations
United Nations Water Day
United States
United States Army Corps of Engineers
United States Attorney General
United States Congress
United States Department of Health and Human Servi
United States Department of Justice
United States Enrivonmental Protection Agency
United States Senate
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
University of Michigan on the celebration of its b
Upper Peninsula
Use tax: collections
Use tax: definitions
Use tax: distribution
Use tax: exemptions
Use tax: other
Vaisakhi Day
Vehicles: abandoned
Vehicles: agricultural equipment
Vehicles: automated motor vehicles
Vehicles: automobiles
Vehicles: bicycles
Vehicles: buses
Vehicles: driver training
Vehicles: electric vehicles
Vehicles: emergency vehicles
Vehicles: equipment
Vehicles: fund-raising registration plates
Vehicles: historic
Vehicles: inspection
Vehicles: mopeds
Vehicles: motorcycles
Vehicles: off-road
Vehicles: other
Vehicles: registration
Vehicles: registration plates
Vehicles: rentals
Vehicles: snowmobiles
Vehicles: title
Vehicles: trailers
Vehicles: trucks
Vehicles: wreckers
Venture Capital and Angel Investment Week
Veterans: benefits
Veterans: cemeteries
Veterans: employment
Veterans: health care
Veterans: ombudsman
Veterans: other
Veterans: trust fund
Veterans: veterans' homes
Victims of Crime Act
Vietnam Veterans Day
Vietnam War Anniversary
Villages: boards and commissions
Villages: employees and officers
Villages: financing
Villages: general law
Villages: home rule
Villages: ordinances
Villages: other
Villages: public services
Violence Against Women Act
Volunteer Month
Water Quality
Water Trails Grant Program
Water supply: conservation
Water supply: dams
Water supply: other
Water supply: quality and standards
Water supply: systems
Water: conservation
Water: drinking water
Water: drinking water standards
Water: other
Water: quality
Water: water supply systems
Watercraft: equipment
Watercraft: other
Watercraft: personal
Watercraft: registration
Watercraft: safety
Watercraft: traffic control
Watercraft: violations
Weapons: ammunition
Weapons: concealed
Weapons: firearms
Weapons: licensing
Weapons: other
Weapons: safety and training
Wear Red Day
Welcoming Week
White Shirt Day
Wildlife Conservation Month
William Wade Ferguson
William Webb Ferguson
Women Veterans Day
Women Veterans Recognition Day
Women in Public Office Day
Women in the Professional Trades Week
Women's Equality Day
Women's History Month
Women's Lung Health Week
Women's suffrage
Women: other
Worker Memorial Day
Worker's compensation: benefits
Worker's compensation: definitions
Worker's compensation: disabilities
Worker's compensation: employers
Worker's compensation: exclusive remedy
Worker's compensation: funds
Worker's compensation: insurers
Worker's compensation: other
Workers' Memorial Day
World Down Syndrome Awareness Day
World Kidney Day
World Sleep Day
Wrongful Conviction Day
Youth Consent Day
Youth Parenting Awareness Day
Youth Parenting Day
access to clean and safe drinking water
anti-refugee policies
application for increased water withdrawal
aquatic species
bail reform
bee populations
bicentennial of Macomb County
bicentennial of the founding of the University of
bilateral free trade agreement
bottomlands of the Strait of Mackinac
centennial of Selfridge Air National Guard Base
centennial of state parks
centennial of the end of World War I
cities and counties
community policing efforts
counties providing road patrol services to cities
county Veterans Trust Fund Boards
dangers of PFAS to human health
designated smoking areas
economic opportunities with Cuba
environmental emergencies and perceived environmen
executive order
federal Hardest Hit Funds
federal endangered and threatened species list
female genital mutilation
feminine hygiene products
final adjournment of the Legislature
first Fisher House to Michigan
flash flooding
free speech rights
gay men in Chechnya
habitat protection and conservation
hate crimes
hate, bigotry, and extremism
health savings accounts
homeowners and landowners
hour for daily sessions
human rights
illegal telephone calls
immigration enforcement
immigration policies
immigration reform
increased participation of women in the fields of
increased water withdrawal
industry leaders
jail and prison inmates
labor and environmental standards
labor unions
legislative schedule
manner in which sexual assaults are reported and p
marijuana-related businesses
memorial resolution for Alvin H. Kukuk
memorial resolution for Edward LaForge
memorial resolution for Gary M. Vanek
memorial resolution for George W. Mans
memorial resolution for Harold B. Clark
memorial resolution for Keith Muxlow
memorial resolution for Martin D. Buth
memorial resolution for Maxine L. Berman
memorial resolution for Robert D. Mahoney
memorial resolution for Steve Andrews
memorial resolution for Thaddeus C. Stopczynski
memory of Elizabeth Denison Forth
multiemployer pension systems
myalgic encephalomyelitis
new lock at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
new state veterans homes
peaking power plant
people of Michigan
portable fuel container design
positive health practices for minority mothers
post-employment benefits for current and future lo
post-secondary professional credentialing
presidential nominations
professional sporting events in Michigan
province of Ontario
publicly funded scientific research on the causes
qualified education expense
rail sector
real-time water quality monitoring network
resolution of tribute for the Honorable Andy Schor
secondary road patrol funds
sexual assault and harassment claims
skilled trades workforce
small business advancement efforts
southern border of the United States
staffing of sheriff and police departments
state and federal administrators
state and local income tax refunds
state classified service
state legislatures
state of Michigan
state of emergency in the county of Macomb and the
supplemental budget for PFAS-related activities
the Governor
the Legislature
the President
trade relations with Cuba
trade relations with the Republic of Cuba
transportation costs
unborn children
underground nuclear waste repository
unwanted robocalls
village of Cassopolis
water quality and air quality under federal law
wild turkey hunting license
wild turkey licenses
women in skilled trade professions
woodworking vocational training
workforce development programs and services
youth and safety programs
“Fill the Boot Weekend"