Kentucky Bills

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↑
HR 1 (2017 Regular Session)
Establish the 2017 membership of the Kentucky State House of Representatives.
Jan 03 2017 Introduced In House
Jan 03 2017
HB 80 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to criminal attempted murder. Amend KRS 439.3401 to make criminal attempt to commit murder of a peace officer or a firefighter an offense for which at least 85 percent of the sentence must be served before probation or parole.
Dec 02 2016 To Judiciary (H)
Jan 03 2017
HB 32 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to the Bowling Green Veterans Center, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. Authorize to the Department of Veterans' Affairs Federal Funds and Bond Funds in fiscal year 2016-2017 for the construction of the Bowling Green Veterans Center nursing home; establish conditions; provide that if debt service is required it shall be a necessary government expense to be paid from the General Fund Surplus Account or the Budget Reserve Trust Fund Account; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.
Aug 26 2016 To Veterans, Military Affairs, And Public Protection (H)
Jan 03 2017
HB 88 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to pesticide application notice requirements. Create a new section of KRS Chapter 217 to define terms; require state or local government entities that engage in or direct the application of pesticides in residential areas to give notice to local officials and to the public no later than 48 hours prior to the application; require additional public notice every 7 days that the application continues; require state or local government entities to coordinate so that only one provides the required notices.
Dec 07 2016 To Agriculture (H)
Jan 03 2017
HR 4 (2017 Regular Session)
Appoint a committee to wait upon the Governor.
Jan 03 2017 Introduced In House
Jan 03 2017
SR 4 (2017 Regular Session)
Appoint a committee to wait upon the Governor.
Jan 03 2017 Adopted By Voice Vote
Jan 03 2017
HB 61 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to the allocation of severance tax revenues to local governments. Amend KRS 42.450 to increase the amount of minerals severance and processing taxes distributed to local governments through the local government economic assistance fund (LGEAF) to 100% of taxes collected, from the current 50%, over a five-year period; amend KRS 42.4582 and 42.4585 to similarly increase the amount of coal severance and processing taxes distributed to local governments through the local government economic development fund and LGEAF to 60% and 40% of taxes collected, from the current 35% and 15%, respectively, over the same five-year period.
Oct 25 2016 To Appropriations & Revenue (H)
Jan 03 2017
HB 63 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to competency hearings conducted in guardianship proceedings. Amend KRS 387.570 to allow a bench trial in a disability hearing when the parties agree, there is no objection from interested parties, and the judge finds no cause to require a jury trial; amend KRS 387.580 to conform.
Dec 09 2016 To Judiciary (H)
Jan 03 2017
HB 37 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to the property tax on unmined coal. Amend KRS 132.820 to exempt unmined coal reserves from state and local property taxation if on January 1 of any tax year the owner or lessee of the reserve does not hold a valid permit from both the state and federal governments to mine coal from the reserve, and does not anticipate that coal will be mined from the reserve at any point during the tax year; amend KRS 131.190 to conform; make technical corrections; apply to property assessed on and after January 1, 2018.
Sep 13 2016 To Appropriations & Revenue (H)
Jan 03 2017
HB 17 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to expungement. Amend KRS 431.073 to reduce filing fee for felony expungement from $500 to $200.
Jul 26 2016 To Judiciary (H)
Jan 03 2017
HB 85 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to the overtaking of bicycles on a roadway. Amend KRS 189.300 to provide that the operator of any vehicle moving upon a highway is to keep to the right unless signage or markings indicate otherwise; amend KRS 189.340 to require vehicles overtaking bicycles to pass at a distance of at least three feet; specify when a motor vehicle may pass a bicycle to the left of the center of a roadway.
Dec 06 2016 To Transportation (H)
Jan 03 2017
HR 3 (2017 Regular Session)
Extend an invitation to the pastors of Frankfort churches to open sessions of the 2017 Regular Session with prayer.
Jan 03 2017 Introduced In House
Jan 03 2017
HB 44 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to promise zone tax incentives. Amend KRS 139.570 to allow additional compensation for sellers in the promise zone; create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to allow an income tax credit for qualified employees equal to the individual income tax on wages earned in the promise zone, not to exceed $2,400; allow an income tax credit for qualified employers in an amount equal to $100 for each employee working within the promise zone; require reporting by the Department of Revenue to the Legislative Research Commission; amend KRS 141.0205 to order the new tax credits; create a noncodified section to set forth the purpose of the Act and describe actions previously taken by the federal government.
Sep 19 2016 To Appropriations & Revenue (H)
Jan 03 2017
HB 39 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to legislative procedures for state fiscal measures. Create a new section of KRS Chapter 6 to require roll call votes on any state fiscal measure, including an appropriation or revenue-raising measure, voted upon in the Senate or House or a committee thereof; require identification of any state fiscal measure by the director of the Legislative Research Commission, or upon a determination by the Senate or House or a committee of either; require separate vote for any state fiscal measure.
Sep 14 2016 To State Government (H)
Jan 03 2017
HB 30 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to public procurement. Create new sections of KRS Chapter 45A to set forth findings of the General Assembly and establish policy of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to promote the Kentucky and United States economies by requiring a preference for iron, steel, and manufactured goods produced in Kentucky and the United States; define "manufactured in Kentucky," "manufactured in the United States," "Kentucky," and "United States"; require preference for iron, steel, and manufactured goods made in Kentucky in construction and maintenance contracts and subcontracts; provide for a waiver of the Kentucky preference requirement; require preference for iron, steel, and manufactured goods made in the United States if the Kentucky waiver is granted; provide for a waiver of the United States preference requirement; establish a short title of "Kentucky Buy American Act"; amend KRS 45A.343, 45A.352, 65.027, 162.070, 164A.575, 176.080, and 424.260 to require compliance with the Kentucky Buy American Act.
Aug 22 2016 To State Government (H)
Jan 03 2017
HB 83 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to elder abuse prevention in brokerage-financial accounts. Create a new section of KRS Chapter 292 to grant civil and administrative immunity to broker-dealers or investment advisers who, with reasonable belief and in good faith, report suspected financial exploitation of eligible adults to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services and the commissioner of the Department of Financial Institutions.
Nov 30 2016 To Banking & Insurance (H)
Jan 03 2017
HB 19 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to prescriptive authority for physician assistants. Amend KRS 311.856 and 311.858 to permit physician assistants to prescribe and dispense controlled substances.
Aug 01 2016 To Licensing, Occupations, & Admin Regs (H)
Jan 03 2017
HB 53 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to unclaimed life insurance policies. Amend 304.15-420 to clarify the retroactive application of the Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits Act.
Oct 13 2016 To Banking & Insurance (H)
Jan 03 2017
HB 21 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to promise zone tax incentives. Amend KRS 139.570 to allow additional compensation for sellers in the promise zone; create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to allow an income tax credit for qualified employees equal to the individual income tax on wages earned in the promise zone, not to exceed $2,400; allow an income tax credit for qualified employers in an amount equal to $100 for each employee working within the promise zone; require reporting by the Department of Revenue to the Legislative Research Commission; amend KRS 141.0205 to order the new tax credits; create a noncodified section to set forth the purpose of the Act and describe actions previously taken by the federal government.
Aug 05 2016 To Appropriations & Revenue (H)
Jan 03 2017
HB 68 (2017 Regular Session)
AN ACT relating to the disclosure of private cellular phone numbers. Create a new section of KRS Chapter 367 to prohibit the marketing, sharing, or selling of wireless phone numbers of subscribers without express written consent of the subscriber; amend KRS 367.990 to create a penalty between $1,000 and $10,000 for each violation.
Dec 30 2016 To Small Business & Information Technology (H)
Jan 03 2017

Showing 1 to 20 of 12750 bills