SB 3

  • Indiana Senate Bill
  • 2022 Special Session
  • Introduced in Senate
  • Passed Senate Jul 30, 2022
  • House
  • Governor

Tax and fiscal matters.


Provides that the gasoline use tax rate during the period beginning on the first day following the enactment into law of the bill and continuing through June 30, 2023, is capped at $0.295 per gallon. Provides, however, that if the gasoline use tax rate as determined under current law for a month is less than $0.295 per gallon, the lesser tax rate shall apply. Provides a temporary sales tax exemption for six monthly billing cycles during which the sale of utilities to residential customers and the sale of intrastate telecommunication services to residential customers are exempt from the state sales tax. Defines "residential customer" for purposes of the exemption. Requires the power subsidiary or person that furnishes or sells the services to provide to each customer on the customer's billing statement a notice that the state sales tax that otherwise would be applied is not applied in accordance with the enactment of the bill. Freezes the gasoline excise tax and the special fuel tax rates beginning on the first day following the enactment into law of the bill and continuing through June 30, 2023, at the rates that were in effect on June 30, 2022. Eliminates the annual index factor during this period. Specifies that beginning July 1, 2023, the tax rates shall be determined as if the rates had not been frozen during the 2023 state fiscal year. Appropriates $17,700,000 from the state general fund to the auditor of state to make transfers to counties, cities, and towns equal to the amount of gasoline excise tax and special fuel tax that each county, city, and town would have otherwise received if the rates had not been frozen during the 2023 state fiscal year. Requires the revenue transferred to the counties, cities, and towns to be used for the purposes for which revenue from those tax rates may be used under applicable law. Appropriates an amount for transfer to the capital reserve account after June 30, 2023, based on a determination by the budget agency of the difference between: (1) $1,000,000,000; and (2) the actual fiscal impact to the state of Indiana in state fiscal year 2023 as a result of the enactment of certain provisions being proposed in Senate Bill 2 and Senate Bill 3. Appropriates $400,000,000 from the state general fund to the budget agency for transfer to the pension stabilization fund for the purposes of the pension stabilization fund.

Bill Sponsors (18)



Aug 01, 2022


First reading: referred to Committee on Ways and Means

  • Reading-1
  • Referral-Committee
ways and means


Referred to the House

Jul 30, 2022


Cosponsor: Representative Lehman


House sponsor: Representative Brown T


Third reading: passed; Roll Call 54: yeas 40, nays 4

Jul 29, 2022


Senators Rogers, Doriot, Kruse, Sandlin, Raatz, Gaskill, Boehnlein, Boots, Buchanan, Crane, Baldwin, Walker K added as coauthors


Amendment #1 (Holdman) prevailed; voice vote


Senator Mishler removed as second author


Senator Garten removed as coauthor


Senator Garten added as second author


Senator Mishler added as coauthor


Amendment #2 (Holdman) prevailed; voice vote


Amendment #4 (Qaddoura) failed; Roll Call 49: yeas 10, nays 37


Amendment #7 (Lanane) failed; Roll Call 50: yeas 10, nays 37


Amendment #8 (Melton) failed; Roll Call 51: yeas 9, nays 36


Second reading: amended, ordered engrossed

Jul 27, 2022


Senator Melton added as coauthor


Senator Garten added as coauthor


Committee report: amend do pass, adopted

Jul 25, 2022


Authored by Senator Holdman


Senator Mishler added as second author


First reading: referred to Committee on Appropriations

  • Reading-1
  • Referral-Committee

Bill Text

Bill Text Versions Format
Introduced Senate Bill (S) PDF
Senate Bill (S) PDF
Engrossed Senate Bill (S) PDF

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