SB 207

  • Illinois Senate Bill
  • 104th Regular Session
  • Introduced in Senate
  • Senate
  • House
  • Governor

Liquor Licenses-Spouses


Amends the Liquor Control Act of 1934. Provides that an immediate family member of a retail licensee may be issued a wine manufacturer's license if the family member is not named on the retail license and does not have any ownership or other interest in that family member's licensed business. Provides that an individual shall not be deemed to have an ownership or other interest in the licensed business of a spouse if each spouse's ownership is independent and each spouse does not exercise control over or have a financial interest in the other's operations in a manner inconsistent with this Act. Provides that a holder of a wine manufacturer license and a holder of a retail license who are married shall not be deemed to be accepting, receiving, borrowing, or exchanging anything of value solely based on their marital status so long as (i) each spouse independently operates his or her licensed business separately in compliance with the 3-tier regulatory system, (ii) each spouse's ownership is independent, and (iii) neither spouse exercises control or has a financial interest over the other's operations in a manner inconsistent with the Act or the 3-tier regulatory system. Effective immediately.

Bill Sponsors (1)


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Jan 22, 2025


Filed with Secretary by Sen. Sally J. Turner


First Reading


Referred to Assignments

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