Georgia Bills

sponsored by Donna Sheldon

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HB 658 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Revenue and taxation; repeal Chapter 12 relating to estate tax
Mar 22 2013 Effective Date
Apr 28 2014
HB 436 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Public officers; counties and municipalities provide by local law for district durational residency requirements; authorize
Feb 21 2013 Senate Read Second Time
Mar 12 2014
HB 688 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Fair Taxation Act of 2014; enact
Mar 28 2013 House Second Readers
Jan 13 2014
HB 499 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Torts; payor guidelines and criteria under federal law shall not establish legal basis for negligence or standard of care for medical malpractice; provide
Feb 26 2013 Effective Date
Jul 01 2013
HB 480 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Crimes and offenses; list of persons who may be present in courtroom when person under age of 16 testifies concerning a sex offense; add victim assistance personnel
Feb 25 2013 Effective Date
Jul 01 2013
HR 502 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Joint Study Committee on Mental Health and School Violence; create
Feb 25 2013 Effective Date
May 07 2013
HR 107 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Joint Study Committee on Medicaid Reform; create
Jan 30 2013 Effective Date
May 07 2013
HR 940 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
O'Connor, Dan J.; 50th birthday; celebrate
Mar 27 2013 House Read And Adopted
Mar 28 2013
HR 876 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Atherton, Mr. Marvin; commend
Mar 26 2013 House Read And Adopted
Mar 26 2013
HR 848 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Boy Scouts of America; commend
Mar 22 2013 House Read And Adopted
Mar 25 2013
HR 826 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
House Human Embryonic Research Study Committee; create
Mar 21 2013 House Second Readers
Mar 22 2013
HR 808 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
McCoy, Mr. Doug; commend
Mar 21 2013 House Read And Adopted
Mar 21 2013
HR 746 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
March of Dimes Day at the state capitol; March 13, 2013; recognize
Mar 14 2013 House Read And Adopted
Mar 14 2013
HB 481 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Ethical Treatment of Human Embryos Act; enact
Feb 25 2013 House Second Readers
Feb 27 2013
HR 501 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Everhart, Chairman Sue P.; commend
Feb 25 2013 House Read And Adopted
Feb 25 2013
HR 471 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Georgia Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Day; February 28, 2013; recognize
Feb 22 2013 House Read And Adopted
Feb 22 2013
HR 298 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Tax defaulters; ineligible for public office and provide release of confidential tax information for purpose of enforcement; strengthen provisions - CA
Feb 12 2013 House Second Readers
Feb 14 2013
HB 333 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Ethics in government; investigation and enforcement of constitutional requirement for public officer to file and pay federal, state and local taxes; provide
Feb 12 2013 House Second Readers
Feb 14 2013
HR 286 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Community Health Centers Day; February 14, 2013; recognize and invite to House
Feb 11 2013 House Passed/Adopted
Feb 13 2013
HB 285 (2013-2014 Regular Session)
Seed-Capital Fund; create Invest Georgia Fund
Feb 08 2013 House Second Readers
Feb 12 2013

Showing 1 to 20 of 24 bills