Georgia Bills

sponsored by Joe Wilkinson

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HB 438 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Elections; use of government supplied e-mail addresses for campaign purposes; prohibit
Feb 20 2015 House Second Readers
Feb 24 2015
HR 472 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Georgia Optometric Association; outstanding service to the State of Georgia; commend
Feb 23 2015 House Read And Adopted
Feb 23 2015
HR 459 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Not 1 Forgotten Men's Cancer Awareness Month at the capitol; June, 2015; recognize
Feb 23 2015 House Read And Adopted
Feb 23 2015
HB 415 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Sales and use tax; machinery and equipment used in research and development; provide exemption
Feb 19 2015 House Second Readers
Feb 23 2015
HR 460 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Keep Georgia Beautiful Program and 78 local Keep America Beautiful affiliates; organize hundreds of thousands of volunteers to improve communities state wide; commend
Feb 23 2015 House Read And Adopted
Feb 23 2015
HR 428 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Genocide Prevention and Awareness Month at the Capitol; April, 2015; Georgia Coalition to Prevent Genocide; recognize and invite to House
Feb 19 2015 House Passed/Adopted
Feb 20 2015
HB 359 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Professions and businesses; separate standard committees for professional counseling specialty, social work specialty, and marriage and family specialty; change certain provisions
Feb 12 2015 House Second Readers
Feb 18 2015
HR 288 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
College of Coastal Georgia Day at the capitol; March 3, 2015; commend and invite to House
Feb 10 2015 House Passed/Adopted
Feb 11 2015
HR 293 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Centennial Commemoration of the Navy Reserve; March 3, 2015; recognize
Feb 10 2015 House Read And Adopted
Feb 10 2015
HR 271 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Ukrainian delegates; seeking to strengthen the government of Ukraine; commend
Feb 09 2015 House Read And Adopted
Feb 09 2015
HR 110 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Georgia College & State University Day at the capitol; February 10, 2015; recognize and invite to House
Jan 28 2015 House Passed/Adopted
Feb 04 2015
HR 174 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Building Owners and Managers Association of Georgia Day at the capitol; February 17, 2015; commend and invite to House
Feb 02 2015 House Passed/Adopted
Feb 03 2015
HR 206 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Churchill, Sir Winston; 50th anniversary of death; condolences
Feb 03 2015 House Read And Adopted
Feb 03 2015
HR 140 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Austin, Mrs. Mary Lou; commend
Jan 29 2015 House Read And Adopted
Jan 29 2015
HB 105 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Health; vaccination against meningococcal disease of college students; revise provisions
Jan 27 2015 House Second Readers
Jan 29 2015
HB 116 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Underground Water Supply Protection Act of 2015; enact
Jan 27 2015 House Second Readers
Jan 29 2015
HR 123 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Peskin, Mandy; commend
Jan 28 2015 House Read And Adopted
Jan 28 2015
HR 118 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Jordan, Representative Darryl W.; commend
Jan 28 2015 House Read And Adopted
Jan 28 2015
HR 124 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Jenkins, Danielle; commend
Jan 28 2015 House Read And Adopted
Jan 28 2015
HR 125 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
State Road and Tollway Authority; commend
Jan 28 2015 House Read And Adopted
Jan 28 2015

Showing 81 to 100 of 205 bills