Georgia Bills

sponsored by Jay Powell

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HB 245 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Condominiums; amount permissible as a special assessment fee; change
Feb 09 2015 Effective Date
Jul 01 2015
HB 257 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Decatur County; restate provisions of said Act
Feb 09 2015 Effective Date
May 06 2015
HB 234 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Tax collection; days in which the Federal Reserve Bank is closed in the list of days that excuse late filing or payment; include
Feb 04 2015 Effective Date
May 06 2015
HB 279 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Public officers and employees; annual salaries of Supreme Court Justices, Court of Appeals, superior court judges and district attorneys; repeal provisions
Feb 09 2015 Effective Date
May 06 2015
HB 196 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Criminal procedure; reversal on appeal when a judge expresses an opinion regarding proof in a criminal case or as to accused's guilt; change provisions
Feb 02 2015 House Withdrawn, Recommitted
Apr 02 2015
HB 243 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Education Savings Account Act; enact
Feb 04 2015 House Withdrawn, Recommitted
Apr 02 2015
HB 194 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Elections; advance voting times and dates; revise
Feb 02 2015 House Withdrawn, Recommitted
Apr 02 2015
HB 231 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Property; state revenue commissioner to deduct certain funds from deposits to the state treasury; authorize
Feb 04 2015 House Withdrawn, Recommitted
Apr 02 2015
HB 120 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Local option sales tax; provide for an additional purpose for tax
Jan 27 2015 House Withdrawn, Recommitted
Apr 02 2015
HB 687 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Employees' Retirement System; member eligible to transfer funds to Georgia Judicial Retirement System; provide
Mar 27 2015 House Second Readers
Mar 31 2015
HB 678 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Sales and use tax; increase rate on retail purchase, retail sale, rental, storage, use, or consumption of certain tangible property; provisions
Mar 25 2015 House Second Readers
Mar 27 2015
HR 808 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Sales and use tax; treatment of autism spectrum disorder; increase percentage of tax - CA
Mar 25 2015 House Second Readers
Mar 27 2015
HR 397 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
United States Congress; support equity and sales tax fairness; encourage
Feb 17 2015 House Passed/Adopted
Mar 18 2015
HB 585 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Sales and use tax; sunset on a certain exemption; provide
Mar 09 2015 House Second Readers
Mar 13 2015
HB 292 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Revenue and taxation; Internal Revenue Code; define terms; incorporate certain provisions of federal law into Georgia law
Feb 10 2015 Effective Date
Mar 06 2015
HB 458 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Courts; daily expense allowance to Supreme Court Justices and Court of Appeals Judges in certain circumstances; provide
Feb 23 2015 House Second Readers
Feb 25 2015
HB 466 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Sales and use tax; change certain definitions
Feb 23 2015 House Second Readers
Feb 25 2015
HB 467 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Income tax; change certain definitions
Feb 23 2015 House Second Readers
Feb 25 2015
HB 298 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Certified process servers; sunset and legislative review provisions; repeal
Feb 10 2015 Senate Read And Referred
Feb 23 2015
HB 363 (2015-2016 Regular Session)
Excise tax; change certain definitions
Feb 17 2015 House Second Readers
Feb 19 2015

Showing 241 to 260 of 329 bills