HB 22-1363

  • Colorado House Bill
  • 2022 Regular Session
  • Introduced in House May 02, 2022
  • Passed House May 02, 2022
  • Senate
  • Governor

Accountability To Taxpayers Special Districts


The bill makes the following modifications to statutory provisions governing special districts to increase the accountability of special districts to taxpayers: If a separate legal entity established by contract includes one or more special districts, requires the separate legal entity to file with the division of local government in the department of local affairs certain financial information pertaining to the special district. In such circumstances, the directors of the special district are also required to comply with oath and bond requirements for directors of special districts.Expands existing requirements on the information a metropolitan district must include on its public website to include information that is required by the service plan of the metropolitan district, by an ordinance or resolution adopted by the board of commissioners of a county, or by the governing body of a municipality, as applicable;Expands the applicability of statutory provisions governing the approval and oversight of special districts to specify that these provisions do not apply when a special district that was originally approved at any time thereafter becomes wholly included within the boundaries of one or more municipalities;Specifies information to be included in the financial plan that a new district submits along with its service plan;Removes an existing cap on the amount of the fee that a special district must pay the board of county commissioners for processing review of a service plan; For any proposed special metropolitan district that has any property within its boundaries that is zoned or valued for assessment as residential, enumerates certain acts that are disallowed for any service plan required to be filed by the district. A local government acting on a service plan is prohibited from approving a service plan for a special metropolitan district that permits any of these same acts the purchase of district debt by any entity with respect to which any director of the district has a conflict of interest necessitating disclosure .Clarifies requirements affecting the oversight by a municipality that is wholly contained within the boundaries of the municipality, especially in connection with an annexing municipality;Expands the circumstances under which material modifications of a special district's service plan are approved by the county or municipality, as applicable, to include the situation when the special district after initial approval of the plan becomes wholly included within the boundaries of a newly annexed municipality;Specifies that approval is also required for any action or omission of a special district that is materially inconsistent with the district's service plan. Expands the list of examples of acts or omissions necessitating approval.Authorizes a board of county commissioners for a district that lies entirely within the territorial boundaries of a county or the governing body of a municipality for a district that lies entirely within the boundaries of a municipality to impose a fee to offset the costs incurred by the county or municipality, as applicable, in reviewing the operations of the district and the district's compliance with its service plan. The fee is not payable more than once annually. Prohibits a member of the board of a district that approved the issuance of any debt while the member was serving on the board from thereafter acquiring any interest in the debt individually or on behalf of any organization or entity for which the board member is engaged as an employee, counsel, consultant, representative, or agent; except that this requirement does not apply to debt acquired indirectly through an investment fund if the member has no input into or control over the individual securities that the fund purchases; Prior to issuing debt to a director of a metropolitan district or to an entity with respect to which a director of a metropolitan district must make disclosure of a conflict of interest, the bill requires the board of the metropolitan district to receive a statement of a registered municipal advisor certifying that the interest rate of the debt does not exceed the lesser of: The interest rate allowed under a method of calculation specified in the bill; or The current market interest rate for the debt based on criteria determined by the municipal advisor, examples of which are listed in the bill; Requires all meetings of a board of a special district that are held solely at physical locations to be held at physical locations that are within the boundaries of the district or that are within the boundaries of any county in which the district is located, in whole or in part, without exceptions or the possibility of a waiver;Clarifies that the powers of the board of directors of any metropolitan district are limited by the district's service plan;On and after September 1, 2022, prohibits a metropolitan district from entering into any new contract or agreement as of that date to furnish covenant enforcement and design review services. On and after September 1, 2022, the bill prohibits a metropolitan district from renewing any existing agreement entered into prior to that date to furnish covenant enforcement and design review services. Upon the expiration of the agreement, the master association or similar entity contracting with the metropolitan district is required to assume covenant enforcement and design review services.Under current law, under specified circumstances, the board of county commissioners or the governing body of the municipality that has adopted a resolution of approval of the special district may require the board of the special district to file an application for a finding of reasonable diligence every 5 years. The bill makes this an annual requirement. Makes proof of the commission of such act by a preponderance of the evidence proof that the director has breached the director's fiduciary duty and the public trust. (Note: Italicized words indicate new material added to the original summary; dashes through words indicate deletions from the original summary.) (Note: This summary applies to the reengrossed version of this bill as introduced in the second house.)

Bill Sponsors (4)


May 02, 2022


May 05, 2022


Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely

State, Veterans, & Military Affairs

May 02, 2022


Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs

  • Introduction
State, Veterans, & Military Affairs


House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments

Apr 29, 2022


House Second Reading Passed with Amendments - Committee, Floor

Apr 28, 2022


House Second Reading Special Order - Laid Over Daily - No Amendments

Apr 26, 2022


House Committee on Transportation & Local Government Refer Amended to House Committee of the Whole

  • Committee-Passage
  • Referral-Committee
House Committee of the Whole Transportation Local Government

Apr 07, 2022


Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation & Local Government

  • Introduction
Transportation & Local Government Transportation Local Government

Bill Text

Bill Text Versions Format
Reengrossed (05/02/2022) PDF
Engrossed (04/29/2022) PDF
Introduced (04/07/2022) PDF
PA1 (04/28/2022) PDF
Committee Amendment PDF

Related Documents

Document Format
Fiscal Note FN1 (04/15/2022) PDF
Fiscal Note FN2 (05/03/2022) PDF
Fiscal Note FN3 (05/31/2022) PDF


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