Dave Min
- Democratic
Existing law authorizes a county to establish an interagency domestic violence death review team to assist local agencies in identifying and reviewing domestic violence deaths, including homicides and suicides, and facilitating communication among various agencies involved in domestic violence cases. This bill would additionally authorize those interagency domestic violence death review teams to assist local agencies in identifying and reviewing domestic violence near-death cases, as defined. The bill would prohibit near-death reviews from occurring before any prosecution has concluded and would prohibit the compelled participation of any near-death survivors in death review team investigations. Under existing law, an oral or written communication or a document provided by a third party to a domestic violence review team is confidential and not subject to disclosure or discovery. This bill would specify that this confidentiality provision includes a statement provided by a survivor in a near-death review case review. Subject to available funding, existing law requires the Attorney General to develop a protocol designed to facilitate communication, as specified, to recognize incidents of domestic violence and deaths related to domestic violence. This bill would require the Attorney General to develop that protocol no later than January 1, 2025, and would include communication regarding near deaths related to domestic violence in the protocol.
Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 986, Statutes of 2022.
Approved by the Governor.
Enrolled and presented to the Governor at 3 p.m.
Read third time. Passed. Ordered to the Senate.
Assembly amendments concurred in. (Ayes 39. Noes 0. Page 5391.) Ordered to engrossing and enrolling.
In Senate. Concurrence in Assembly amendments pending.
Read second time. Ordered to third reading.
Read second time and amended. Ordered to second reading.
From committee: Do pass as amended. (Ayes 12. Noes 0.) (August 11).
June 29 set for first hearing. Placed on suspense file.
Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on APPR.
From committee: Do pass as amended and re-refer to Com. on APPR. (Ayes 7. Noes 0.) (June 14).
In Assembly. Read first time. Held at Desk.
Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 39. Noes 0. Page 3929.) Ordered to the Assembly.
Ordered to special consent calendar.
From committee: Do pass. (Ayes 7. Noes 0. Page 3772.) (May 19).
Read second time. Ordered to third reading.
Set for hearing May 19.
May 16 hearing: Placed on APPR suspense file.
Set for hearing May 16.
Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on APPR.
From committee: Do pass as amended and re-refer to Com. on APPR. (Ayes 11. Noes 0. Page 3512.) (April 26).
From committee with author's amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on JUD.
Set for hearing April 26.
March 29 hearing postponed by committee.
Set for hearing March 29.
From committee: Do pass and re-refer to Com. on JUD. (Ayes 5. Noes 0. Page 3049.) (March 8). Re-referred to Com. on JUD.
Set for hearing March 8.
Art. IV. Sec. 8(a) of the Constitution dispensed with.
Joint Rule 55 suspended. (Ayes 31. Noes 6. Page 2880.)
(Ayes 31. Noes 6.)
From printer. May be acted upon on or after February 20.
Introduced. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment. To print.
Bill Text Versions | Format |
SB863 | HTML |
01/20/22 - Introduced | |
04/18/22 - Amended Senate | |
04/28/22 - Amended Senate | |
06/15/22 - Amended Assembly | |
08/15/22 - Amended Assembly | |
09/07/22 - Enrolled | |
09/30/22 - Chaptered |
Document | Format |
03/04/22- Senate Public Safety | |
04/22/22- Senate Judiciary | |
05/13/22- Senate Appropriations | |
05/21/22- Sen. Floor Analyses | |
06/13/22- Assembly Public Safety | |
06/27/22- Assembly Appropriations | |
08/31/22- Sen. Floor Analyses |
Data on Open States is updated periodically throughout the day from the official website of the California State Legislature.
If you notice any inconsistencies with these official sources, feel free to file an issue.