AB 503

  • California Assembly Bill
  • 2021-2022 Regular Session
  • Introduced in Assembly
  • Passed Assembly Apr 19, 2021
  • Passed Senate Aug 30, 2022
  • Governor

Wards: probation.

Bill Subjects

Wards: Probation.


Existing law subjects a minor between 12 and 17 years of age, inclusive, who violates any federal, state, or local law or ordinance, who persistently or habitually refuses to obey the reasonable and proper orders or directions of the minor's parents, guardian, or custodian, or who is beyond the control of that person, who violates an ordinance establishing a curfew or is truant, and a minor under 12 years of age who is alleged to have committed specified serious offenses, to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court, which may adjudge the minor to be a ward of the court. When a minor is adjudged to be a ward of the court, as previously described, and is placed under the supervision of the probation officer or committed to the care, custody, and control of the probation officer, existing law authorizes the court to make any and all reasonable orders for the conduct of the ward, and to impose and require any and all reasonable conditions that it may determine fitting and proper to the end that justice may be done and the reformation and rehabilitation of the ward enhanced. This bill would limit to 6 months the period of time a ward may remain on probation, except that a court may extend the probation period for a period not to exceed increments of 6 months after a noticed hearing and upon proof by a preponderance of the evidence that it is in the ward's best interest. The bill would require the probation agency to submit a report to the court detailing the basis for any request to extend probation at the noticed hearing. The bill would require the court to provide the ward and the prosecuting attorney with the opportunity to present relevant evidence, as specified. The bill would require the court to hold a noticed hearing for the ward not less frequently than every 6 months for the remainder of the wardship period if the court extends probation. The bill would additionally require, among other things, that conditions of probation for a ward be individually tailored, developmentally appropriate, and reasonable. Existing law authorizes the court, as part of the order adjudging the minor to be a ward of the court, to order the ward to pay restitution, to pay a fine up to $250 for deposit in the county treasury if the court finds the minor has the financial ability to pay, or to participate in an uncompensated work program. This bill would remove the authority of the court to order the minor to pay the $250 fine or participate in an uncompensated work program in lieu of restitution. Existing law requires the court, for specified offenses, to order certain actions as a condition of a minor's probation including attending counseling, repairing property, repaying the cost of apprehension to the city or county, and performing community service. This bill would, in specified instances, no longer require the court to order certain actions as a condition of a minor's probation. The bill would instead impose requirements on the conditions of a minor's probation ordered by the court. Existing law requires a court to order a minor who is subject to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court to pay restitution to the victim and a restitution fine that is deposited in the Restitution Fund, as specified. Under existing law, the board of supervisors of a county may, at its discretion, impose a fee to cover the actual administrative cost of collecting the restitution fine, as specified, with the proceeds deposited in the general fund of the county. This bill would remove the authority of the board of supervisors of a county to impose this fee.

Bill Sponsors (7)



Sep 29, 2022


Vetoed by Governor.

Sep 13, 2022

California State Legislature

Enrolled and presented to the Governor at 4 p.m.

Aug 31, 2022


Senate amendments concurred in. To Engrossing and Enrolling. (Ayes 45. Noes 22.).

Aug 30, 2022


In Assembly. Concurrence in Senate amendments pending.


Read third time. Passed. Ordered to the Assembly. (Ayes 21. Noes 13.).

Aug 08, 2022


Read second time. Ordered to third reading.

Aug 04, 2022


Read third time and amended. Ordered to second reading.

Jun 29, 2022


Read second time. Ordered to third reading.

Jun 28, 2022


From inactive file.


Read second time and amended. Ordered returned to second reading.


Ordered to second reading.

Aug 30, 2021


Ordered to inactive file at the request of Senator Kamlager.

Aug 19, 2021


Read second time. Ordered to third reading.

Aug 18, 2021


Read third time and amended. Ordered to second reading.

Jul 01, 2021


Read second time. Ordered to third reading.

Jun 30, 2021


From committee: Do pass. (Ayes 4. Noes 1. Page 1721.) (June 29).

Jun 17, 2021


From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Com. on PUB. S.

  • Amendment-Introduction
  • Amendment-Passage
  • Reading-1
  • Reading-2
  • Referral-Committee
Com. on PUB. S.

Jun 08, 2021


In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.

May 12, 2021


Referred to Com. on PUB. S.

  • Referral-Committee
Com. on PUB. S.

Apr 19, 2021


Reconsideration granted. (Page 1064.)


In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment.


Read third time. Passed. Ordered to the Senate. (Ayes 41. Noes 22. Page 1072.)

Apr 12, 2021


Read third time. Refused passage. (Ayes 35. Noes 22. Page 966.).


Motion to reconsider made by Assembly Member Stone.

Mar 25, 2021


Read second time. Ordered to third reading.

Mar 24, 2021


From committee: Do pass. (Ayes 6. Noes 2.) (March 23).

Feb 18, 2021


Referred to Com. on PUB. S.

  • Referral-Committee
Com. on PUB. S.

Feb 10, 2021


From printer. May be heard in committee March 12.

Feb 09, 2021


Read first time. To print.

Bill Text

Bill Text Versions Format
02/09/21 - Introduced PDF
06/17/21 - Amended Senate PDF
08/18/21 - Amended Senate PDF
06/28/22 - Amended Senate PDF
08/04/22 - Amended Senate PDF
09/02/22 - Enrolled PDF

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