AB 2237

  • California Assembly Bill
  • 2019-2020 Regular Session
  • Introduced in Assembly
  • Assembly
  • Senate
  • Governor

San Francisco Bay area county transportation authorities: contracting.


The Bay Area County Traffic and Transportation Funding Act authorizes each of the 9 counties in the San Francisco Bay area to impose a 12 of 1% or 1% sales tax for transportation purposes, subject to voter approval. Existing law provides for the establishment of a county transportation authority in each county imposing a sales tax under these provisions, requires the development of a county transportation expenditure plan, and specifies the powers and duties of a county board of supervisors and the county transportation authority in this regard. Existing law requires each county transportation authority to award contracts for the purchase of supplies, equipment, and materials in excess of $75,000 to the lowest responsible bidder after competitive bidding, except in an emergency declared by the vote of 23 of the voting membership of the county transportation authority. This bill would require each county transportation authority to award contracts for the purchase of supplies, equipment, and materials in excess of $150,000, rather than $75,000, either to the lowest responsible bidder or to the responsible bidder whose proposal provides the best value, as defined, on the basis of the factors identified in the solicitation, except in a declared emergency, as specified. The bill would specify that the requirement does not apply to construction contracts.

Bill Sponsors (5)


No votes to display


May 05, 2020


Re-referred to Com. on TRANS.

  • Referral-Committee
Com. on TRANS.

May 04, 2020


From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to Com. on TRANS. Read second time and amended.

Feb 27, 2020


Referred to Coms. on TRANS. and L. GOV.

  • Referral-Committee
Coms. on TRANS. and L. GOV.

Feb 14, 2020


From printer. May be heard in committee March 15.

Feb 13, 2020


Read first time. To print.

Bill Text

Bill Text Versions Format
02/13/20 - Introduced PDF
05/04/20 - Amended Assembly PDF

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