AB 123

  • California Assembly Bill
  • 2019-2020 Regular Session
  • Introduced in Assembly
  • Passed Assembly May 28, 2019
  • Senate
  • Governor

Early childhood education: childcare and development programs.


(1) The Child Care and Development Services Act, administered by the State Department of Education, requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to administer childcare and development programs that offer a full range of services to eligible children from infancy to 13 years of age, inclusive. The act requires that families meet specified requirements to be eligible for federal- and state-subsidized childcare and development services. This bill would extend eligibility to a family in which a member of that family has been certified as fully eligible to receive CalFresh or Medi-Cal benefits. The bill would require a parent to provide documentation of current enrollment in CalFresh or Medi-Cal, unless the contractor providing childcare and development services has, and elects to use, other means of obtaining verification of that enrollment. The bill would authorize a family to submit a self-certification of income that is signed by the parent for the purpose of prioritizing enrollment and calculating family fees. (2) Existing law requires the department to arrange intraagency adjustments between California state preschool contracts and general childcare contracts for the same agency and funding allocation, and to establish timelines for intraagency contract fund transfers. This bill would additionally require the department to allow and arrange for interagency adjustments between those contracts for the same agency or different agencies and the same funding allocation, and to establish timelines for those interagency contract fund transfers. (3) Existing law requires the Superintendent to implement a plan establishing assigned reimbursement rates, per unit of average daily enrollment, to be paid by the state to provider agencies for the provision of childcare and development services. Existing law provides for an adjustment factor to be applied to units of average daily enrollment if a provider agency serves children who meet specified criteria. Existing law sets the adjustment factor based on the age of the child served, among other criteria. This bill would require those adjustment factors to continue to apply irrespective of whether a child is served in a commingled classroom that serves children from 0 to 12 years of age. The bill, during the 2020–21 fiscal year, would authorize a contractor providing childcare and development services under the act to provide those services to children from 0 to 12 years of age in classrooms with children of varying ages. (4) Existing law requires the Superintendent to establish a fee schedule for families using preschool and childcare and development services, as specified, and requires family fees to be assessed at initial enrollment and reassessed at the update of certification or recertification. Existing law encourages child development contractors to develop and maintain a reserve within the child development fund in the county treasury, derived from earned but unexpended funds. Existing law authorizes reserve funds to be expended for specified purposes. Existing law requires that 10% of specified reserve funds to be used solely for the purpose of professional development for California state preschool program instructional staff. This bill would authorize a contractor to waive family fees for families who are enrolled but who receive services only through distance learning. The bill would provide that the cost of waiving family fees under the above-described provision is an allowable use of contract funds received for providing childcare and development services, and would authorize a contractor to use reserve funds to cover the costs of a waiver. The bill would also delete the requirement that 10% of the specified reserve funds be used for that professional development purpose.

Bill Sponsors (23)



Aug 20, 2020


In committee: Held under submission.

Aug 13, 2020


In committee: Referred to APPR. suspense file.

  • Referral-Committee
APPR. suspense file. APPR

Aug 01, 2020


Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on APPR.

  • Reading-1
  • Reading-2
  • Amendment-Passage
  • Referral-Committee
Com. on APPR.

Jul 31, 2020


From committee: Amend, and do pass as amended and re-refer to Com. on APPR. (Ayes 7. Noes 0.) (July 29).

Jul 07, 2020


From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Com. on ED.

  • Reading-1
  • Reading-2
  • Amendment-Passage
  • Referral-Committee
  • Amendment-Introduction
Com. on ED.

Jul 10, 2019


In committee: Hearing postponed by committee.

Jun 10, 2019


In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.

Jun 06, 2019


Referred to Com. on ED.

  • Referral-Committee
Com. on ED.

May 29, 2019


In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment.

May 28, 2019


Read third time. Passed. Ordered to the Senate. (Ayes 62. Noes 0. Page 2018.)

May 20, 2019


Read second time. Ordered to third reading.

May 16, 2019


Joint Rule 62(a), file notice suspended. (Page 1760.)


From committee: Do pass. (Ayes 14. Noes 3.) (May 16).

May 15, 2019


In committee: Set, first hearing. Referred to APPR. suspense file.

  • Referral-Committee
APPR. suspense file. APPR

May 13, 2019


Joint Rule 62(a), file notice suspended. (Page 1609.)

Apr 30, 2019


Re-referred to Com. on APPR.

  • Referral-Committee
Com. on APPR.

Apr 29, 2019


Read second time and amended.

Apr 25, 2019


From committee: Amend, and do pass as amended and re-refer to Com. on APPR. (Ayes 5. Noes 0.) (April 24).

Apr 23, 2019


Re-referred to Com. on ED.

  • Referral-Committee
Com. on ED.

Apr 22, 2019


From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to Com. on ED. Read second time and amended.

Mar 27, 2019


Re-referred to Com. on ED.

  • Referral-Committee
Com. on ED.

Mar 26, 2019


From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to Com. on ED. Read second time and amended.

Mar 25, 2019


Referred to Com. on ED.

  • Referral-Committee
Com. on ED.

Dec 04, 2018


From printer. May be heard in committee January 3.

Dec 03, 2018


Read first time. To print.

Bill Text

Bill Text Versions Format
12/03/18 - Introduced PDF
03/26/19 - Amended Assembly PDF
04/22/19 - Amended Assembly PDF
04/29/19 - Amended Assembly PDF
07/07/20 - Amended Senate PDF
08/01/20 - Amended Senate PDF

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