Alabama Bills

sponsored by Dan Roberts

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
SB 243 (2024 Regular Session)
Economic development; state law authorizing counties and municipalities to provide for innovation districts as public corporations authorized; innovation district use of public funds for public or private persons authorized; Constitutional Amendment
Mar 21 2024 Currently Indefinitely Postponed
May 07 2024
SJR 66 (2024 Regular Session)
Supporting Access To Safe and Reliable Payments Systems
Apr 25 2024 Reported Out Of Committee House Of Origin
May 02 2024
SB 220 (2024 Regular Session)
Public contracts; prohibitions on public contracts with entities affiliated with the People's Republic of China, provided;
Mar 19 2024 Engrossed
Apr 11 2024
SJR 36 (2024 Regular Session)
Dr. James Andrews, Commending
Mar 19 2024 Enacted
Apr 05 2024
SB 330 (2023 Regular Session)
Relating to Central Bank Digital Currency; to prohibit governmental agencies from using this type of currency as payment and from participating in testing the use of this currency by the Federal Reserve.
May 16 2023 Enacted As 2023-561
Jun 16 2023
SB 235 (2023 Regular Session)
Relating to licensure of health care professionals; to exempt certain individuals from state licensure, registration, and certification requirements while they are visiting Alabama to render certain services during the 2025 World Police and Fire Games to be held in Birmingham and other locations; to provide for consent for certain medical services; and to provide for repeal of this bill on December 31, 2025.
Apr 20 2023 Enacted As 2023-468
Jun 14 2023
SB 292 (2023 Regular Session)
Relating to taxation and revenue; to provide for the Department of Revenue to grant certificates of exemption from sales and use taxes to contractors and subcontractors licensed by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors for the purchase of building materials and construction materials to be used in the construction of a building or other project for an entity statutorily exempt from paying sales and use taxes; and to provide for accounting for purchases and enforcement for violations.
May 03 2023 Enacted As 2023-526
Jun 14 2023
SB 315 (2023 Regular Session)
Relating to public utilities; to authorize the Alabama Public Service Commission to designate certain providers or of commercial mobile radio services as a eligible to offer and receive universal service support.
May 11 2023 Enacted As 2023-469
Jun 14 2023
SB 261 (2023 Regular Session)
Relating to public contracts; to prohibit governmental entities from entering into certain contracts with companies that boycott businesses because the business engages in certain sectors or does not meet certain environmental or corporate governance standards or does not facilitate certain activities; to provide that no company in the state shall be required by a governmental entity, nor penalized by a governmental entity for declining to engage in economic boycotts or other actions that further social, political, or ideological interests; to require the Attorney General to take actions to prevent federal laws or actions from penalizing, inflicting harm on, limiting commercial relations with, or changing or limiting the activities of companies or residents of the state based on the furtherance of economic boycott criteria; and to authorize the Attorney General to investigate and enforce this act; and to provide definitions.
Apr 27 2023 Enacted As 2023-409
Jun 06 2023
SJR 81 (2023 Regular Session)
Celebrating The Life Of Pastor Dr. Harry L. Reeder Iii.
May 23 2023 Enacted As 2023-344
Jun 01 2023
SB 210 (2023 Regular Session)
Relating to the practice of dentistry; to amend Sections 34-9-1, 34-9-3, 34-9-6, 34-9-13, 34-9-15.1, and 34-9-18, Code of Alabama 1975, and to add Sections 34-9-6.2 and 34-9-19.2 to the Code of Alabama 1975, to provide for the use of teledentistry orthodontia services in the state by licensed dentists; to provide certain requirements for advertisements featuring teledentistry; and to require the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama to adopt rules relating to teledentistry.
Apr 12 2023 Indefinitely Postpone
May 31 2023
SB 228 (2023 Regular Session)
Relating to residential real estate transactions; to require buyers to make certain disclosures to homeowners and other interested parties that the buyer intends to engage aspects of a wholesale transaction; and to deem unenforceable certain unfair service agreements purporting to establish a long-term right to list between real estate companies and residential real estate owners; and in connection therewith would have as its purpose or effect the requirement of a new or increased expenditure of local funds within the meaning of Section 111.05 of the Constitution of Alabama of 2022.
Apr 20 2023 Enacted As 2023-201
May 16 2023
SJR 28 (2023 Regular Session)
Mourning The Death of John A. Caddell
Apr 11 2023 Enacted As 2023-56
Apr 27 2023
SJR 17 (2023 Regular Session)
Mourning The Death Of Mrs. Patricia Camp Faulkner.
Mar 23 2023 Enacted As 2023-8
Apr 14 2023
SB 248 (2022 Regular Session)
Child-care facilities, Dept of Human Resources, require DHR to revise certain standards regulating child-care facilities, requires DHR to adopt rules, Sec. 38-7-22 added; Secs. 38-7-2, 38-7-3, 38-7-5, 38-7-7, 38-7-12, 38-7-13, 38-7-14, 38-7-20, 38-13-4 am'd.
Feb 22 2022 Indefinitely Postponed
Apr 06 2022
SB 272 (2022 Regular Session)
Health, telehealth and telemedicine further provided for, reg. by Bd. of Medical Examiners and Medical Licensure Commission, Secs. 34-24-700 to 34-24-707, inclusive, added; Secs. 34-24-500 to 34-24-508, inclusive, re practice of medicine across state lines, repealed.
Mar 01 2022 Assigned Act No. 2022-302.
Apr 06 2022
SB 261 (2022 Regular Session)
Schools, failing, scholarships for students assigned to in order to attend another public or nonpublic school, income tax credits for contributions to scholarship granting organizations increased, Sec. 16-6D-9 am'd.
Feb 23 2022 Assigned Act No. 2022-390.
Apr 05 2022
SB 152 (2022 Regular Session)
Taxation, income tax, exclusion of enhanced federal child tax credits from American Rescue Plan Act from calculation of federal income tax deduction for tax year 2021, extension of the due date for certain taxpayers, Secs. 40-16-3.1, 40-18-39.2 added.
Feb 01 2022 Assigned Act No. 2022-75.
Feb 22 2022
SB 2 (First Special Session 2022)
Taxation, income tax, exclusion of enhanced federal child tax credits from American Rescue Plan Act from calculation of federal income tax deduction for tax year 2021, to provide an extension of the due date for certain taxpayers, Secs. 40-16-3.1, 40-18-39.1 added.
Jan 19 2022 Read For The First Time And Referred To The Senate Committee On Finance And Taxation General Fund
Jan 19 2022
SB 98 (2021 Regular Session)
Income tax, exclusion for federal tax credits, advance refunds, qualified disaster relief payments, subsidies, grants, student loans, or loan forgiveness from federal CARES Act and subsequent federal COVID relief legislation, exemption from income and financial institution excise tax for amounts from the Coronavirus Relief Fund, to decouple from 26 U.S.C, 951A and 118 (b)(2), to change business interest expense limitation, and to allow Electing Pass-Through Entity to be taxed at entity level, Sec. 40-27-1 am'd.
Feb 02 2021 Indefinitely Postponed
May 04 2021

Showing 1 to 20 of 32 bills