Alaska Bills

sponsored by DeLena Johnson

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HB 202 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act relating to the availability and administration of opioid overdose drugs in public schools; relating to correspondence study programs; and relating to allotments for correspondence study programs; and relating to an annual report relating to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration grants and opioid overdose drug distribution; and providing for an effective date.
May 15 2023 (H) Fn3: (Doh)
Sep 03 2024
HB 104 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act relating to timber sales.
Mar 08 2023 (H) Effective Date(S) Of Law 10/27/24
Aug 01 2024
HB 122 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act authorizing the Alaska Railroad Corporation to issue revenue bonds to finance the replacement of the Alaska Railroad Corporation's passenger dock and related terminal facility in Seward, Alaska; and providing for an effective date.
Mar 17 2023 (H) Vetoed By Governor 7/30/24
Aug 01 2024
HJR 3 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
Encouraging Congress to pass the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act or a similar bill.
Feb 01 2023 (H) Legislative Resolve 34
Jul 25 2024
HB 149 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act relating to the licensure of nursing professionals; relating to a multistate nurse licensure compact; and providing for an effective date.
Mar 31 2023 (H) -- Recessed To A Call Of The Chair --
May 14 2024
HB 111 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act relating to public school students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Mar 13 2023 (S) Moved Cshb 111(Edc) Out Of Committee
May 13 2024
HB 83 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act reestablishing the Citizens' Advisory Commission on Federal Management Areas in Alaska; and providing for an effective date.
Feb 27 2023 (H) Cosponsor(S): D.Johnson
May 08 2024
HB 3 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act relating to specie as legal tender in the state; and relating to borough and city sales and use taxes on specie.
Jan 19 2023 (S) Referred To Finance
Apr 24 2024
HB 30 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act relating to daylight saving time; and providing for an effective date.
Jan 19 2023 (H) Withdrawn By Sponsor
Apr 22 2024
HB 45 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act relating to contributions from permanent fund dividends to the general and permanent funds.
Jan 25 2023 (H) Heard & Held -- Please Note Time Change --
Apr 22 2024
HJR 20 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
Urging withdrawal of proposed Bureau of Land Management regulations affecting the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska; and urging meaningful engagement with tribes, local governments, and affected communities.
Feb 14 2024 (H) Manifest Error(S)
Mar 18 2024
HB 61 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act relating to restrictions on firearms and other weapons.
Feb 06 2023 (H) Effective Date(S) Of Law 10/27/23
Oct 16 2023
HJR 10 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
Disapproving the proposed rule by the National Park Service limiting non-subsistence hunting methods; and urging the National Park Service to withdraw the rule.
Mar 06 2023 (H) Permanently Filed 7/20 Legis Resolve 5
Oct 16 2023
HJR 11 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
Urging the United States Environmental Protection Agency to develop a woodstove certification program that addresses the threat to clean and healthy winter air in Fairbanks; and urging the state Department of Environmental Conservation to develop an economically and legally defensible state implementation plan for the Fairbanks North Star Borough nonattainment area.
Mar 08 2023 (H) Permanently Filed 7/20 Legis Resolve 7
Oct 16 2023
HB 23 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act establishing the month of October as Filipino American History Month.
Jan 19 2023 (H) Effective Date(S) Of Law 10/18/23
Oct 16 2023
HB 38 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act relating to an appropriation limit; relating to the budget responsibilities of the governor; and providing for an effective date.
Jan 19 2023 (H) In Finance
May 13 2023
HB 47 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act relating to insurance; relating to direct health care agreements; and relating to unfair trade practices.
Jan 25 2023 (H) Minutes (Hl&C)
May 13 2023
HB 118 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act relating to the sale and possession of used detached catalytic converters; and establishing the crime of possession, sale, or purchase of a used detached catalytic converter.
Mar 17 2023 (H) Minutes (Hsta)
May 11 2023
HB 93 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
An Act relating to a lumber grading training program and lumber grading certificates; relating to use of lumber graded and certified by a person holding a lumber grading training program certificate; and providing for an effective date.
Mar 06 2023 (H) Minutes (Hfin)
Apr 27 2023
HCR 1 (33rd Legislature (2023-2024))
Establishing a joint task force on labor workforce, training, and retention.
Mar 06 2023 (S) Referred To Rules
Mar 20 2023

Showing 1 to 20 of 55 bills